
發布時間:2021-10-23 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


蘭州大學研究生導師:程博 正文


  2000年,南開大學生命科學學院生物化學及分子生物學專業, 理學學士

  2003年,南開大學生命科學學院生物化學及分子生物學專業, 理學碩士


  Bachelor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,  Nankai Univ., PRC, 2000

  Master in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,   Nankai Univ., PRC, 2003

  Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology,        Univ. of Iowa, USA, 2008


  2009-2013年, 美國密西根大學生物化學系/霍華德·休斯醫學研究所,Research fellow


  2016年至今, 蘭州大學生命科學學院細胞生物學研究所,教授,博導

  2009-2013,  Research fellow in the Univ. of Michigan/Howard Hughes Medical Institute

  2013-2016,  Professor of Cell Biology in Lanzhou Univ.,  Master's supervisor

  2016-    ,  Professor of Cell Biology in Lanzhou Univ.,  Master's and Doctoral supervisor


  碩士及博士招生專業方向:細胞生物學 (有意報考本團隊的碩、博士生候選人可直接聯系導師; 碩博連讀者優先考慮)

  幾點期望和要求:對從事本專業科研工作有濃厚興趣、學習能力和動手能力強、心里素質好,能夠承受科研工作遇到的失敗和挫折,積極向上、有責任心、有團隊合作精神; 英語基礎較好 (通過6級考試或其他同等水平英語考試者為佳)

  現有團隊: 博士生4名(含留學生一名),碩士生7名;本科生國創項目的團隊一支,萃英創新創業項目團隊兩支

  教學: 主講本科課程:《表觀遺傳學》,《生命倫理學》;主講研究生課程《表觀遺傳學前沿》,《生物專業英語》

  擔任蘭州大學“基礎學科拔尖人才培養試驗計劃”2014級生物萃英班 班主任


  代表論文(Representative peer-reviewed articles):

  1. Functionalized Eu(III)-Based Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework To Achieve Near-IR-Triggered and -Targeted Two-Photon Absorption Photodynamic Therapy.

  Jia J, Zhang Y, Zheng M, Shan C, Yan H, Wu W, Gao X, Cheng B*, Liu W, Tang Y*.  (co-corresponding author)

  Inorganic Chemistry. 2018 Jan; 57 (1):300- 310. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02475  IF:4.8

  2. Structural and functional diversity of mammalian CBX proteins (in Chinese).

  Guan S, Wang J, Xie Y, Cheng B. (corresponding author) (invited article)

  Sci Sin Vitae. 2017 Aug; 47 (8):847-862.  DOI:10.1360/N052017-00012

  3. KAP1 represses differentiation-inducible genes in embryonic stem cells through cooperative binding with PRC1 and derepresses pluripotency-associated genes.

  Cheng B*, Ren X*, and Kerppola TK.  (co-first author)

  Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2014 Jun; 34(11):2075- 91.

  DOI:10.1128/MCB.01729-13   IF:5.7

  4. Epigenetic regulation by polycomb group complexes: focus on roles of CBX proteins.

  Ma R, ZhangY, Sun T, Cheng B. (corresponding author) (invited article)

  Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B. 2014 April; 15(5):412-28.  DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1400077  IF:1.1

  5. Functional association of Gdown1 with RNA polymerase II poised on human genes.

  Cheng B*, Li T*, Rahl PB, Adamson TE, Loudas NB, Guo J, Varzavand K, Cooper JJ, Hu X, Gnatt A, Young RA, Price DH.

  Molecular Cell. 2012 Jan;45(1):38-50.  (co-first author) (cover article; with a preview article)  DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2011.10.022   IF:15.3

  6. Isolation and functional analysis of RNA polymerase II elongation complexes.

  Cheng B, Price DH.    (first author) (invited article)

  Methods. 2009 Aug;48(4):346-52.  DOI:10.1016/j.ymeth.2009.02.026  IF:3.6

  7. Analysis of factor interactions with RNA polymerase II elongation complexes using a new electrophoretic mobility shift assay.

  Cheng B, Price DH.    (first author)

  Nucleic Acids Research. 2008 Nov;36(20):e135.  DOI:10.1093/nar/gkn630  IF:8.3

  8. Properties of RNA polymerase II elongation complexes before and after the P-TEFb-mediated transition into productive elongation.

  Cheng B, Price DH.    (first author)

  Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2007 Jul;282(30):21901-12.  DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M702936200  IF:5.0



  1. 以小鼠胚胎干細胞和其他人類及小鼠細胞系為模型研究表觀遺傳因子對發育相關基因的調控方式和調控機理;

  2. 真核基因轉錄在延伸水平上的調控機理;

  3. 肝癌發生和發展的表觀遺傳機制

  Current Research Interests:

  1. Molecular mechanisms of Polycomb repressive complexes in transcriptional regulation in mouse embryonic stem cells

  2. Molecular mechanisms of transcription elongation control

  3. Epigenetic regulation during tumorigenesis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma





  2017—    ,甘肅省遺傳學會第九屆理事會 理事

  2017—    ,甘肅省干細胞臨床研究專家委員會委員


  招聘信息:1. 擬招聘1名畢業留校的博士作為本實驗室實驗技術及管理人員,具體情況面談

  2. 歡迎新來/新留蘭大的講師(相關專業/領域博士畢業)加盟本團隊,具體情況面談




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