

蘭州大學研究生導師:李祥鍇 正文
1997-2001: 武漢大學生命科學學院微生物專業,學士
1997-2001: Wuhan University, School of life science, Microbiology major, Bachelor
2001-2008: 美國俄克拉荷瑪大學植物與微生物系,微生物專業,碩士、博士
2001-2008: University of Oklahoma, School of plants and microbiology, Microbiogy major, USA, MA & PhD
2008-2010: Baylor college of medicine, Institute of child nutrition, USA, post-doctor
2010- 至今: 蘭州大學生命科學學院,微生物研究所,教授,博導
2010 till now: Lanzhou University, School of Life science, Institute of microbiogy, Professor, doctor surpervisor
碩士研究生招生方向 :微生物研究所環境微生物方向。
Master Recruition Orientation: Insititute of microbiology, Environmental microbiogy orientation
Admission Requirement: Interested in enviromental microbiology research, Passing CET-4
Top-priority: Paper published(regardness of ranking); Passing CET-6, engaged in student work before
Graduation requirement: Pubilishing one SCI paper as first author(regardness of IF and partition)
博士研究生招生方向 :微生物研究所環境微生物方向。
Doctor Recruition Orientation: Insititute of microbiology, Environmental microbiogy orientation
Admission Requirement: Interested in enviromental microbiology research, Passing CET-4
Top-priority: Paper published(regardness of ranking); Passing CET-6, engaged in student work before
Graduation requirement: Pubilishing two SCI papers as first author(regardness of IF and partition)
秋季學期: 研究生高級英文論文寫作,蘭州大學碩士、博士研究生公選課程,生命科學學院碩士、博士研究生必修課程;高級英文論文寫作,萃英學院本科必修課程;蘭大導讀,生命科學學院本科必修課程
Main courses:
Fall semister: Advanced English writing of postgraduate, Public elective course and required course for postgraduates in School of biology, Lanzhou university; Advanced English writing, Required course for undergraduates of Cuiying Institute; Guided reading, Required course for undergraduates of School of biology
Spring semister: Primary application of bioinformatics, Required course for postgraduates in School of biology
Shuai Zhao, Pu Liu, Yongyan Niu, Zhengjun Chen, Aman Khan, Pengyun Zhang, Xiangkai Li*. (2018). A Novel Early Warning System Based on a Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell for In Situ and Real Time Hexavalent Chromium Detection in Industrial Wastewater. Sensors, 18(642).(IF=2.67)
Zhengsheng Yu, Xiaoyun Leng, Shuai Zhao, Jing Ji, Tuoyu Zhou, Aman Khan, Apurva Kakde, Pu Liu, Xiangkai Li*. (2018). A review on the applications of microbial electrolysis cells in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 255, 340-348.(IF=5.65)
Yaxin Pei, Zhengsheng Yu, Jing Ji, Aman Khan, Xiangkai Li*. (2018). Microbial Community Structure and Function Indicate the Severity of ChromiumContamination of the Yellow River. frontiers in microbiology, 2018(00038).(IF=4.07)
Yongyan Niu, Aman Khan, Zhengjun Chen, Shuai Zhao, Kejia Wu, Xingpeng Xiao, Xiangkai Li*. (2018). Enhanced organic matter degradation by a sediment microbial fuel cell using hexavalent chromium as an electron acceptor. Applied Environmental Biotechnology, 3(1).
Huawen Han, Zhenmin Ling, Tuoyu Zhou,Rong Xu, Yongxing He, Pu Liu, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). Copper (II) binding of NAD(P) H-flavin oxidoreductase, (NfoR) enhances its Cr (VI)-reducing ability. Scientific Reports.(IF=4.25)
Gaofeng Wu, Xingpeng Xiao, Pengya Feng, Fuquan Xie, Zhengsheng Yu, Wenzhen Yuan, Pu Liu*, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). Gut remediation: a potential approach to reducing chromium accumulation using Lactobacillus plantarum TW1-1. Scientific Reports.(IF=4.25)
Tuoyu Zhou, Huawen Han, Pu Liu, Jian Xiong, Fake Tian, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). Microbial Fuels Cell-Based Biosensor for Toxicity Detection: A Review. sensors, 17(10).(IF=2.67)
Rong Xu, Kai Zhang, Pu Liu, Aman Khan, Jian Xiong, Fake Tian, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). A critical review on the interaction of substrate nutrient balance and microbial community structure and function in anaerobic co-digestion. Bioresource Technology, 247.(IF=5.65)
Pu Liu, Jing Ji, Qi Wu, Jun Ren, Gaofeng Wu, Zhengsheng Yu, Jian Xiong, Fake Tian, Yusuf Zafar, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. LZU10 degrades oil in food waste and enhances methane production from co-digestion of food waste and straw. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 126 28-36.(IF=2.96)
Haiying Huang, Xuanyu Tao, Yiming Jiang, Aman Khan, Qi Wu, Xuan Yu, Dan Wu, Yong Chen, Zhenmin Ling, Pu Liu, Xiangkai Li*. (2017). The naphthalene catabolic protein NahG plays a key role in hexavalent chromium reduction in Pseudomonas brassicacearum LZ-4, Scientific Reports, 7.(IF=4.25)
牛永艷, 陳正軍, 趙帥, 李祥鍇* 鉻還原菌的分離篩選及其在微生物燃料電池生物陰極中的應用. 微生物學通報, 44(7): 1631-1638 .
hen, Y., Tian, X. Z., Bai, L., Liu, Z. Q., Xiao, X. P., Liu, P., & Li, X. K*. (2017). Effects of human opiorphin on food intake and water intake in mice following central administration. Neuroscience letters, 641, 62-69.(IF=2.18)
Chen, Z., Niu, Y., Zhao, S., Khan, A., Ling, Z., Chen, Y., Liu, P., Li, X.,(2016). A novel biosensor for p-nitrophenol based on an aerobic anode microbial fuel cell. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 85, 860-868.(IF=7.78)
Huang, H., Wu, K., Khan, A., Jiang, Y., Ling, Z., Liu, P., Chen, Y., Tao, X., Li, X*. (2016). A novel Pseudomonas gessardii strain LZ-E simultaneously degrades naphthalene and reduces hexavalent chromium. Bioresource technology, 207, 370-378. (IF=5.65)
Yu, X., Jiang, Y., Huang, H., Shi, J., Wu, K., Zhang, P., ... & Li, X*. (2016). Simultaneous aerobic denitrification and Cr (VI) reduction by Pseudomonas brassicacearum LZ-4 in wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 221, 121-129. (IF=5.65)
Yu, Z., He, Z., Tao, X., Zhou, J., Yang, Y., Zhao, M., ... & Li X*. (2016). The shifts of sediment microbial community phylogenetic and functional structures during chromium (VI) reduction. Ecotoxicology, 25(10), 1759-1770.(IF=1.95)
Wenyang Wu, Haiying Huang, Zhenmin Ling, Zhengsheng Yu, Yiming Jiang, Pu Liu, Xiangkai Li§. (2016). Genome sequencing reveals mechanisms for heavy metal resistance and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation in Delftia lacustris strain LZ-C. Ecotoxicology. 25(1234-247. (IF=1.95)
Yuan, W., Yang, N., & Li, X*. (2016). Advances in Understanding How Heavy Metal Pollution Triggers Gastric Cancer. BioMed Research International.(IF=2.47)
Zhang, H., Ma, Y., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2016). Multidrug resistance operon emrAB contributes for chromate and ampicillin co-resistance in a Staphylococcus strain isolated from refinery polluted river bank. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1648.(IF=1.13)
Zhe Zheng, Yabo Li , Xiaowei Zhang , Pu Liu , Jun Ren , Gaofeng Wu , Yanli Zhang , Yong Chen , Xiangkai Li*. (2015). A Bacillus subtilis strain can reduce hexavalent chromium to trivalent and an nfrA gene is involved[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,. 97: 90-96. (IF=2.96)
Han, S., Zhang, H., Xie, Y., Liu, L., Shan, C., Li, X., ... & Tang, Y. (2015). Application of cow milk-derived carbon dots/Ag NPs composite as the antibacterial agent. Applied Surface Science, 328, 368-373. (IF=3.38)
Liu, X., Wu, G., Zhang, Y., Wu, D., Li, X., & Liu, P. (2015). Chromate Reductase YieF from Escherichia coli Enhances Hexavalent Chromium Resistance of Human HepG2 Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(6), 11892-11902. (IF=3.22)
Jiang, Y., Huang, H., Wu, M., Yu, X., Chen, Y., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2015). Pseudomonas sp. LZ-Q continuously degrades phenanthrene under hypersaline and hyperalkaline condition in a membrane bioreactor system. Biophysics Reports, 1(3), 156-167.
Chen, Z., Zou, L., Zhang, H., Chen, Y., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2014). Thioredoxin is involved in hexavalent chromium reduction in Streptomyces violaceoruber strain LZ-26-1 isolated from the Lanzhou reaches of the Yellow River. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 94, 146-151.(IF=2.96)
Shigaki, T., & Li, X*. (2014). Editorial: Special Issue: Genetically Modified Foods: Are they Really Better?). Recent patents on food, nutrition & agriculture, 6(1), 2.
Han, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Liu, L., Wang, H., Li, X.,... & Tang, Y. (2014). Fabrication, gradient extraction and surface polarity-dependent photoluminescence of cow milk-derived carbon dots. RSC Advances, 4(101), 58084-58089. (IF=3.10)
Yao, Y., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Sheng, H., Li, X., Li, T., ... & An, L. (2014). Water free anaerobic co-digestion of vegetable processing waste with cattle slurry for methane production at high total solid content. Energy, 74, 309-313. (IF=4.52)
Yao, Y., Sheng, H., Luo, Y., He, M., Li, X., Zhang, H., ... & An, L. (2014). Optimization of anaerobic co-digestion of Solidago canadensis L. biomass and cattle slurry. Energy, 78, 122-127. (IF=4.52)
Zou, L., Chen, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2014). Phosphate promotes uranium (VI) adsorption in Staphylococcus aureus LZ‐01. Letters in applied microbiology. (IF=1.82)
Zhang, X., Wu, W., Virgo, N., Zou, L., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2014). Global transcriptome analysis of hexavalent chromium stress responses in Staphylococcus aureus LZ-01. Ecotoxicology, 1-12. (IF=1.95)
Chen, Z., Zou, L., Zhang, H., Chen, Y., Liu, P., & Li, X*. (2014). Thioredoxin is involved in hexavalent chromium reduction in< i> Streptomyces violaceoruber strain LZ-26-1 isolated from the Lanzhou reaches of the Yellow River. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 94, 146-151. (IF=2.96)
Li, X., Zhang, H., Ma, Y., Liu, P., Krumholz, L. R.,Genes required for alleviation of uranium toxicity in sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibio alaskensis G20. Ecotoxicology, 1-8,2014.(IF=1.95)
Wu, G., Sun, M., Liu, P., Zhang, X., Yu, Z., Zheng, Z., Chen, Y., Li, X.*,(2014). Enterococcus faecalis strain LZ‐11 isolated from Lanzhou reach of the Yellow River is able to resist and absorb Cadmium. Journal of applied microbiology. (IF=2.09) (注:第一作者之一發表該文為大四)
Yu, Z., Li, J., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Zhang, X., Wu, G., Liu, P., Li, X*. (2014) A mer operon confers mercury reduction in a Staphylococcus epidermidis strain isolated from Lanzhou reach of the Yellow River. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 90,57-63. (IF=2.96) .(注:第一作者之一發表該文為大四)
Tao X, Yan L, Yu Z, Zhao M, Zhang X, Li X* (2013) Structural and Functional Characterization of a Soil Microbial Community which is Able to Convert Waste Cooking Oil to Fatty-acid-Derived Fuels. J Bioremed Biodeg 4: 201. 2155-6199. (注:共同第一作者發表該文分別為研一、大四)
Luming Zou,Pu Liu ,Xiangkai Li*. (2013).New advances molecular mechanism of microbial hexavalent chromium reduction. International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science,Vol. 1(2).(IF=1.64)
Zhang X, Krumholz LR, Yu Z, Chen Y, Liu P, Li X* (2013) A Novel Subspecies of Staphylococcus aureus from Sediments of Lanzhou Reach of the Yellow River Aerobically Reduces Hexavalent Chromium. J Bioremed Biodeg 4:188. (注:第一作者發表該文為研一)
Xuanyu Tao, Yabo Li, Haiying Huang, Yong Chen, Pu Liu, Xiangkai Li* (2013) Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough prefers lactate over hydrogen as electron donor. Annals of Microbiology. (IF=1.12) (注:第一作者之一發表該文為研一)
Li X*, Yang J, Manary M, Hirschi KD (2012) Biotechnologically-Modified Cassava: Protein Absorption Relative to Casein. J Bioequiv Availab 4: 040-043.
Li X*, Yang J, Morris J, Hester A, Nakata PA, Hirschi KD, Genetically Modified Medicago truncatula Lacking Calcium Oxalate has Increased Calcium Bioavailability and Partially Rescues Vitamin D Receptor Knockout Mice Phenotypes. J Bioequiv Availab 5: 047-052.
鄒路明,李祥鍇*(2013)轉基因的草酸鈣缺失蒺藜苜蓿的鈣生物可利用率增加并能部分恢復維生素D受體缺失小鼠的表型,J Bioequiv Availab (中文版)
Li X, Krumholz LR, Thioredoxin is involved in U(VI) and Cr(VI) reduction in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20, Journal of bacteriology;191(15):4924-33
Li X, Krumholz LR, Regulation of arsenate resistance in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 by an arsRBCC operon and an arsC gene, Journal of Bacteriology, May 2007. 3705-3711.
1. A method for improving biogas production of the fermentation system,Li Xiangkai; Shah Faisal; Xiong Jian; Fake Tian; An Lizhe.WIPO 40 2/2017
2. 一種工業污染物濃度檢測裝置,李祥鍇;張驍;王緒國;武奇, 2015、/1/5,中國,中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,201520892128.3
3. 一種基于微生物燃料電池的對硝基苯酚濃度檢測系統和方法,李祥鍇;張驍;陳正軍;王緒國;邵天一;武奇,2015/8/26, 中國, ( 中國人民共和國國家知識產權局),201510531866.X.
4. 利用Pseudomonas fluorescens菌株LZ-4修復六價鉻和萘復合污染環境的方法,2015/2/6, 中國, 中華人民共和國國家知識產權, 201510064744.4.
5. 一種簡易膜生物反應器,李祥鍇、姜一鳴、黃海鷹、王啟輝、余萱、羅澤華,2015/7/22, 中國, 中華人民共和國國家知識產權, 201520534762X
6. 一種簡易膜生物反應器及使用方法,李祥鍇、姜一鳴、黃海鷹、王啟輝、余萱、羅澤華,2015/7/22, 中國, 中華人民共和國國家知識產權, 2015104358299
7. 一種新型生態魚缸,李祥鍇、姜一鳴、黃海鷹、王啟輝、羅澤華、姜希毅、黃海凌,2015/7/22, 中國, 中華人民共和國國家知識產權, 2015205713518
主要合作實驗室來自:1.美國俄克拉瑪大學 2.意大利卡拉布里亞大學 3.清華大學 4. 武漢大學 5. 中國科學院南京地理與湖泊研究所 6.甘肅省膜科學研究院
The Interaction between community structure and function of microbial organism and surrounding polluted enviroment in the Yelllow River of Lanzhou reach
Research on the isolation, molecular mechanism and application perspective of specific microbioly organisms reisitant to polluted enviroment in the Yelllow River of Lanzhou reach
Coupling Microbial fuel cell and Membrane bioreactor to wastewater discharge
Exploration and application of biomass energy of western area and “One Belt and One Road”area
Main cooperation Lab: 1.University of Oklahoma,USA 2.University of Calabria, Italy 3.TsingHua University 4.WuHan University 5. Nanjing instotute of geography and limnology,Chinese acedemic of sciences 6.Institute of membrane science in Gansu province
From year 2011 till now, As project leader got one ministry of science and techonology project of international cooperation, one international training program, one national natural science foundation youth project, one general program, one department of international cooperation project in Gansu province, one ministry of educational returned funds and one crossing research project, total funding were more than 700 million.
劉敏瑞,李祥鍇*,Reducing Methylmercury Accumulation in Fish by Escherichia coli with surface-displayed Methylmercury-Binding Peptides, 中國環境微生物2017年年會,評為會議優秀論文,第一作者獲得該年度簡浩然獎學金
韓華雯,李祥鍇*,copper(II)coordination of NfoR protein stimulates its Cr(VI) reduction ability, 中國環境微生物2016年年會,評為會議優秀論文,第一作者獲得該年度簡浩然獎學金
指導蘭州大學代表隊參加美國波士頓2016年國際遺傳機器設計大賽總決賽,參賽項目“Reduced bioaccumulated heavy metals in fish by gut remediation”獲得大賽銀獎
指導蘭州大學代表隊參加美國波士頓2015年國際遺傳機器設計大賽總決賽,參賽項目“Micro Holmes(小福爾摩斯)”獲得大賽銀獎
陳勇, 李祥鍇*, 硫還原細菌G20還原鉻的分子機理,中國環境微生物2010年年會,評為會議優秀論文,第一作者獲得該年度簡浩然獎學金
張笑薇, 李祥鍇*, 黃河蘭州段分離可還原六價鉻金黃色葡萄球菌的功能鑒定,中國環境微生物2012年年會,評為會議優秀論文,第一作者獲得該年度簡浩然獎學金(時為研一)
陶玄宇,李祥鍇*, 一株假單胞菌同時降解萘與還原六價鉻的機理研究,中國環境微生物2014年年會,評為會議優秀論文,第一作者獲得該年度簡浩然獎學金(時為研二)
2012年指導學生完成國家創新項目“Staphylococcus aureus LZ-01中與Cr(Ⅵ)還原相關基因的篩選與鑒定”獲得甘肅省挑戰杯一等獎,并代表蘭州大學參加全國挑戰杯大賽
Corresponding author of Jian, Haoran Honor Scholar Rewards 2017
Corresponding author of Jian, Haoran Honor Scholar Rewards 2016
Silver medalist of International Genetic Engineered Machine Contest 2016
Silver medalist of International Genetic Engineered Machine Contest 2015
Silver medalist of International Genetic Engineered Machine Contest 2014
Corresponding author of Jian, Haoran Honor Scholar Rewards 2010
Corresponding author of Jian, Haoran Honor Scholar Rewards 2012
Corresponding author of Jian, Haoran Honor Scholar Rewards 2014
Guided undergraduates finish national innovation project and got "Challenge prize in Gansu province" in 2012
Outstanding guided teacher of undergraduate Innovation project
2014年-Applied Environmental Biotechnology 雜志編委。
2013年-國際生物技術與食品科學雜志主編 (International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Editor-in-Chief)
2011年- 中國微生物學會環境微生物專業委員會委員
2010年- 擔任多家雜志的資深審稿人,包括AEM,JB,JHM,IBB,Ecotoxicology等
Year 2014 till now: Editorial board member of Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology
Year 2013 till now: Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Year 2011 till now: Professional committee of environmental microorganism of Chinese Microbiology Society
Year 2010 till now: senior reviewer of various journal including AEM, JB, IBB, Ecotoxicology and so on
Year 2011 till now: academic supervior of grade 2010 biology top-class of cuiying college in Lanzhou University. 15 members got the qualification to further study in famous universities and academic institute at home and aboard
2012級碩士生:姜一鳴(jiangym89@126.com)獲國家留學基金委資助赴德國亥姆霍茲聯合會環境與健康研究中心(HUMG, Munich)攻讀博士學位

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蘭州大學研究生導師:張迎梅(Dr.Yingmei ZHANG)
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蘭州大學研究生導師:王建林(Jianlin Wang,Prof.,PhD.)
日期:10-23 閱讀量:20