寧波大學機械工程與力學學院、土木與環境工程學院導師:朱志偉 正文
朱志偉教授,浙江寧波人,上海交通大學船舶及海洋工程系學士、碩士,加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學(UBC)博士,加拿大工程院院士、 加拿大基金委市政排水領域的工業研究講席教授。研究領域包括城市可持續排水、城市下水道優化設計和運行、河網的水力水質模擬和水質改善、水工構筑物的設計運行優化及對魚類生境的影響,以及空氣/水/砂多相流研究。榮獲美國土木工程協會的Samuel Greeley Award和Karl Hilgard Prize,加拿大土木工程協會的Camille Dagenais Award, Donald Stanley獎,和Thomas Keefer獎等。參與、策劃和主持國家水專項嘉興市“河網城市雨水徑流污染控制與生態利用關鍵技術研究與工程示范”和863項目 “供水系統安全保障與智能調控技術”課題。 歡迎市政工程、結構工程、巖土工程等專業的研究生參與環境水力學、給排水系統、智慧水務、管道工程、水利結構等方向的研究工作。
主要著作和論文:1. Kamal, R., Zhu, D.Z., Leake, A., and Crossman, J. (2018), “Decay of Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gases in the Intermediate Mixing Zone of a Regulated River”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, accepted.2. Tang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and van Dui, B. (2018), “Note on Sediment Removal Efficiency in Oil - Grit Separators”, Water Science and Technology, 2017 (3): 729-735.3. Li, L., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Modulation of the Transient Pressure by an Air Pocket in a Horizontal Pipe with an End Orifice”, Water Science and Technology, 77(10), 2528-2536.4. Tang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “An analytical solution for steady-state groundwater inflow into a circular tunnel in anisotropic soils”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 144(9): 06018003.5. Wei, J.F., Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, J. (2018), “Performance of Plunging-Flow Dropshafts with Internal Air Circulation”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(9). 06018011.6. Huang, B., Wu, S.Q., Zhu, D.Z., and Schulz, H.E. (2018), “Experimental Study of Geysers through a Vent Pipe in Stormwater Drainage Systems”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 2017(1), 66-76.7. Zhang, M.K., Liu, Y., Cheng, X., Zhu, D.Z., and Shi, H.C., and Yuan, Z.G. (2018). “Quantifying rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration in sanitary sewer systems based on conductivity monitoring”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 558, 174-183.8. Ding, Q., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Flow Regimes inside a Dropshaft with Limited Air Supply”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(5): 06018006.9. Yang, H.M., Zhu, D.Z., Li, L. (2018), “Numerical Modeling on Sediment Capture in Catch Basins”, Water Science and Technology, 77 (5), 1346-1354.10. Islam, M.R., Wood, I.R., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018) “Selective Withdrawal from an Intake Channel Connected to a Reservoir”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, accepted.11. Yang, H.M., Zhu, D.Z., Liu, Y.C. (2018), “Effect of Doppler Flow Meter Position on Discharge Measurement in Surcharged Manholes”, Water Science and Technology, 77 (3), 647-654.12. Tang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z., Guo, S. (2018), “An Analytical Solution for Steady Seepage into a Defective Pipe”, Water Science and Technology - Water Supply, 18(3), 926-935.13. Qian, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2018), “Air Flow Modelling in a Prototype Sanitary Sewer System”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(3): 04018008.14. Guo, S., Qian, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, W., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2018), “Effects of Drop Structures and Pump Station on Sewer Air Pressure and Hydrogen Sulfide: Field Investigation” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(3): 04018011.15. Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Yu, T., and Liu, Y.C. (2018), “Assessing the Effectiveness of an Airshaft for Dropshaft Air Re-circulation and Depressurization”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 18: 49-62.16. Silva, A.T., M.C. Lucas, T. Castro-Santos, C. Katopodis, L.J. Baumgartner, J.D. Thiem, K. Aarestrup, P.S. Pompeu, G.C. O'Brien, D. Braun, N.J. Burnett, D.Z. Zhu, H-P. Fjeldstad, T. Forseth, N. Rajaratnam, J.G. Williams and S.J. Cooke (2018). “The Future of Fish Passage Science, Engineering, and Practice", Fish and Fisheries, Vol. 19:340–362.17. Chen, X. Zhu, D.Z. and Steffler, P.M. (2017) “Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation on Velocity Field and Mixing Characteristics at Channel Junctions”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 44: 1071–1083.18. Baki, A.B.M, Zhu, D.Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., Healey, K. (2017), “Rock-weir Fishpass. I: Flow Regimes and Hydraulic Characteristics”, Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 122-141.19. Baki, A.B.M, Zhu, D.Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., Healey, K. (2017), “Rock-weir Fishpass. II: Design Evaluation and Considerations”, Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 142-152.20. Gutowsky, L.F.G., Harrison, P.M., Martins, E.G., Leake, A., Patterson, D.A., Zhu, D.Z., Power, M., Cooke, S.J. (2017). “Daily temperature experience and selection by adfluvial bull trout”. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol.100: 1167–1180.21. Schulz, H.E., and Zhu, D.Z. (2017) “Oscillations of water levels in vertical semi-immersed tubes: analytical solutions and experimental verification”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10(6), 1515-1525.22. Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., van Duin, B. (2017), “Energy Dissipation in Circular Drop Manholes”, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 143(12): 04017047. 23. Kupferschmidt, C., and Zhu, D.Z. (2017), “Physical Modeling of Pool and Weir Fishways with Rock Weirs”, River Research and Applications, 33(7): 1130–1142.24. Azimi, A.H., Cai, J., Zhu, D.Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2017), “Experimental and numerical investigations on withdrawal of water-capped viscoplastic fluid”, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 139(8), 081102 (14 pages).25. Tang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z. (2017), “Numerical Investigation of Sand Bed Erosion by an Upward Water Jet”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(9): 04017104 (14 pages).26. Tang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z. (2017), “A Coupled Discrete Element Model for the Simulation of Soil and Water Flow through an Orifice”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 41(14): 1477–1493.27. Tang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Chan, D.H. (2017), “Experimental Study on Submerged Sand Erosion through a Slot on a Defective Pipe”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(9): 04017026 (14 pages).28. Guo, S. and Zhu, D.Z. (2017) “Analytical study on soil and groundwater erosion rates through a sewer pipe crack”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(7), 06017008.29. He, Y.X, Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, T.Q., Shao, Y., Yu, T.C. (2017), “Experimental observations on initiation of sand bed erosion by an upward water jet”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(7), 06017007.30. Banisoltan, S., Rajaratnam, N., Zhu, D.Z. (2017) “Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Vertical Drains with Radial Inflow”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(5).31. Gu, L., Dai, B., Zhu, D.Z., Hua, Z.L., Liu, X.D., van Duin, B., and Mahmood, K. (2017), “Sediment modelling and design optimization for stormwater ponds", Canadian Water Resources Journal, 42(1), 70–87.32. Qian, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, W., Rajaratnam, N. and Edwini-Bonsu, S., Steffler, P.M. (2017), “Air movement induced by water flow with a hydraulic jump in changing slope pipes”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(4).33. Baki, A.B.M., Zhang, W., Zhu, D.Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2017), “Flow Structures in the Vicinity of a Submerged Boulder within a Boulder Array”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(5). 34. Tang, Y.B., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., and van Duin, B. (2016), “Experimental Study of Hydraulics and Sediment Capture Efficiency in Catchbasins”, Water Science and Technology, 74 (11), 2717-2726.35. Cahill, C.L., Howland, K.L., Hulsman, M.F., Noddin, F., Tonn, W.M., Courtice, G., and Zhu, D.Z. (2016), “Arctic Grayling Movement through a Nature-like Fishpass in Northern Canada”, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 145:5, 951-963.36. Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., Camino, G.A. (2016), “Experimental Study of the Breakup of a Free-falling Turbulent Water Jet in Air”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(10): 06016014.37. Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2016), “Air entrainment in a tall plunging flow dropshaft”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(10): 04016038.38. Yang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, T.Q., Liu, W.C., and Guo, S. (2016) “Improved Model for Contaminant Intrusion Induced by Negative Pressure Events in Water Distribution Systems”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(10): 06016012.39. Baki, A.B.M., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2016), “Flow simulation in a rock-ramp fish pass”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol: 142(10): 04016031.40. Cai, J., Azimi, A., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2016), “Experimental and numerical study on pumping viscoplastic fluids”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 43(8), 675-684.41. Marriner, B.A., Baki-;-;-;-;, A.B.M., Zhu,-;-; D.Z., Cooke-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;, S.J., Katopodis, K. (2016). “The hydraulics of a vertical slot fishway: a case study on the multi-species Vianney-Legendre fishway in Quebec, Canada”, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 90, 190–202.42. Chen, W., Chen, K., Kuang, C.P., Zhu, D.Z., He, L.L, Mao, X.D., Liang, H.D., Song, H.L, (2016), “Influence of sea level rise on saline water intrusion in the Yangtze River Estuary, China”, Applied Ocean Research 54, 12–25.43. Courtice, G., Baki, A.B.M., Zhu, D.Z., Cahill, C., and Tonn, W.M. (2016), “Stream habitat connectivity in the Canadian Arctic: an onsite approach to design and construction”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 43(2): 139-150.44. Azimi, A.H., Rajaratnam, N. and Zhu, D.Z. (2016), “Water surface characteristics of submerged rectangular sharp-crested weirs”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 142(5): 06016001.45. Pilechi, A., Mohammadian, M., Rennie, C., and Zhu, D.Z. (2016) “An efficient method for coupling field data and numerical modeling for the estimation of a transverse mixing coefficient in meandering rivers”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 142(6). 04016009. 46. Zhang, W., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., Edwini-Bonsu, S., Fiala, J., and Pelz, W. (2016) “Use of air circulation pipes in deep dropshafts for reducing air entrainment into sanitary sewers," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 142(4): 04015092.47. Langford, M., Zhu, D.Z., Leake, A. (2016). “Upstream hydraulics of a run-of-the river hydropower facility for fish entrainment risk assessment”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 142(4): 05015006. 48. Zhang, W.M. and Zhu, D.Z. (2015). “Far-Field properties of aerated water jets in air”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 76, 158–167.49. Cahill, C.L, Erwin, A.C., Howland, K.L., Hulsman, M.F., Lunn, B.D., Noddin, F., Tonn, W.M., Baki, A.B., Courtice, G.Y., Zhu, D.Z. (2015), “Assessing Responses of Fish to Habitat Enhancement in Barrenlands Streams, N.W.T., Canada”, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Vol. 35:755–764.50. Banisoltan, S., Rajaratnam, N., Zhu, D.Z. (2015) “An experimental study of the hydraulics of drill-drop manholes”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 141(2): 04015021.51. Azimi, A.H., Qian, Y., Zhu, D.Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2015), “An experimental study of circular sand-water wall jets”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 74, 34–44.52. Silva, A.T., Hatry, C., Thiem, J.D., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Hatin, D., Zhu, D.Z., Dawson, J. W., Katopodis, C., Cooke, S.J. (2015), “Behaviour and locomotor activity of a migratory catostomid during fishway passage”, PLoS ONE. 10(4), e0123051.53. Liu, M.J., Craik, S., and Zhu, D.Z. (2015) “Determination of cast iron pipe wall decay coefficient and modeling combined Chlorine concentrations in a municipal water distribution system”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, Vol. 42(4): 250-258.54. Islam, M.D. and Zhu, D.Z. (2015), “Selective withdrawal of two-layer stratified flows with a point sink”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 141(7): 04015009.55. Liu, Y.C., Wu, C., Zhou, X.H., Zhu, D.Z., and Shi, H.C. (2015), “Sulfide elimination by intermittent nitrate dosing in sewer sediments”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Elsevier. Vol. 27, 259-265.56. Baki, A.B.M., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2015), “Turbulence Characteristics in a Rock-Ramp Type Fishpass”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 141(2): 04014075.57. Camino, G.A., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2015) “Flow observations in tall plunging flow dropshafts”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 141(1): 06014020.58. Pilechi, A., Mohammadian, M., Rennie, C., and Zhu, D.Z. (2015). “In situ spatially distributed field measurements of transverse dispersion of a wastewater effluent in an extended natural meandering river reach for estimation of the full mixing length”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 53(1), 20-35.59. Huang, B., Zhu, D.Z., Shao, W., Fu, J.J., and Rui, J.L., (2015) “Forebay hydraulics and fish entrainment risk assessment upstream of a high dam in China”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 9(1), 91–103.60. Martins, E., Gutowsky, L., Harrison, P., Flemming, J.M., Jonsen, I., Zhu, D.Z., Leake, A., Patterson, D., Power, M. and Cooke, S. (2014) “Behavioral attributes of turbine entrainment risk for adult resident fish revealed by acoustic telemetry and state-space modeling”, Animal Biotelemetry, 2:13. doi:10.1186/2050-3385-2-13. 61. Zhang, W.M., Liu, M., Zhu, D.Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2014). “Mean and turbulent bubble velocities in free hydraulic jumps for small to intermediate Froude numbers”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140(11), 04014055.62. Courtice, G., Baki, A.B.M., Zhu, D.Z., Cahill, C., and Tonn, W.M. (2014), “Stream modifications to enhance system connectivity for fish habitat compensation: a case study in the Barrenlands region of Canada”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 41(7): 650-659.63. Zhu, D.Z., Yang, J. (2014),“Drinking water safety, security and sustainability”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 140(9), A2014001.64. Ma, Y.Y., and Zhu, D.Z. (2014), “Improving sediment removal in standard stormwater sumps”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 69(10), 2099-2105.65. Zhang, W.M. and Zhu, D.Z. (2014). “Trajectories of air-water bubbly jets in crossflows”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 140(7), A06014011.66. Shao, W.Y, Jiang, L.J., Zhang, Y.P., Zhu, D.Z., and Sun, Z.L (2014) “Hydraulic features of air-water mixture flow on staircase with rest platform”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 140(6), 04014016.