
寧波大學(xué)商學(xué)院導(dǎo)師:章勇敏 正文
章勇敏教授于1997年獲得美國芝加哥大學(xué)博士學(xué)位,曾在美國芝加哥大學(xué)與紐約州立大學(xué)從事17年的教學(xué)研究,并作為摩根大通的首席研究員及富國銀行的風(fēng)險管理顧問,在美國華爾街從事3年的金融模型開發(fā)工作。2009年,擔(dān)任西交利物浦大學(xué)博導(dǎo)兼江蘇省“青藍(lán)工程” 學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人。 2011年, 擔(dān)任寧波諾丁漢大學(xué)金融學(xué)首席教授, 兼國際金融研究中心主任與金融系主任,2012年起擔(dān)任浙江省高校重點學(xué)科“全球金融管理”學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人。他作為金融系創(chuàng)建主任, 向全球引進(jìn)6名優(yōu)秀金融教授與博士, 為寧波諾丁漢大學(xué)的金融與管理專業(yè)獲得寧波品牌專業(yè)的稱號并獲得政府50萬的學(xué)科建設(shè)經(jīng)費。他共培養(yǎng)了2名博士后, 7名博士, 39名碩士, 其中3名在美國著名高校擔(dān)任教授。2018年,擔(dān)任寧波大學(xué)商學(xué)院金融學(xué)教授, 兼“應(yīng)用經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)”學(xué)科帶頭人, 同時擔(dān)任“一帶一路”研究院副院長。章教授在金融、管理、經(jīng)濟(jì)、數(shù)學(xué)、物理等多個領(lǐng)域取得重要成果, 共出版了2部專著,撰寫80多篇論文,其中17篇文章發(fā)表于影響因子在1.0以上的SCI/SSCI國際期刊,12篇文章發(fā)表于影響因子在2.0以上的SCI/SSCI國際期刊,2篇文章發(fā)表于影響因子在3.0以上的SCI/SSCI國際期刊,1篇文章發(fā)表于影響因子為5.9的排名前15的SCI科學(xué)期刊。他主持了10多個大型研究課題,并獲得中國國家自然科學(xué)基金、中國社會科學(xué)院、美國能源部、英國外交部等機(jī)構(gòu)的2千萬科研經(jīng)費的支持。他組織了6次大型金融國際會議, 并獲得了2百萬來自政府與業(yè)界的贊助。應(yīng)邀在國際學(xué)術(shù)會議及著名學(xué)術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)發(fā)表60多次的主旨演講。并擔(dān)任了國際金融與銀行學(xué)會2017亞洲年會的大會主席及第六屆期貨與衍生品國際學(xué)術(shù)論壇主席。他多次應(yīng)邀擔(dān)任各級政府與多個機(jī)構(gòu)的學(xué)術(shù)委員會成員、專家組成員及智囊顧問。多次接受國內(nèi)外著名媒體的采訪與報道。他是國際著名金融期刊《Journal of Futures Markets》與《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》的客座主編及《International Journal of Social Science and Management》的副主編。同時,也在國際頂級金融期刊《Journal of Banking and Finance》、《Quantitative Finance》及《Journal of Futures Markets》等擔(dān)任論文評審。章教授獲得的榮譽包括:法國UAP數(shù)學(xué)獎、香港王寬城基金會學(xué)者、美國第十一屆應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)年會杰出論文獎、美國紐約州立大學(xué)個人發(fā)展獎、美國名人錄、中國教育部“海外高層次人才”稱號。
主要著作和論文:Papers in Finance, Management, and Economics Papers under Review1. “Sharp Sensitivity Bounds for Bounds for American Options with General Payoff Functions”, submitted, Journal of Political Economy, (top 5 economic journal), 2017. (SSCI, ABS 4*)2. “Searching Optimal Exercising Boundaries in Perpetual American Options”, submitted, American Economic Review, (top 5 economics journal), 2017. (SSCI, ABS 4*)3. “Pricing Liquidity into Futures”, submitted, Journal of Finance, (top 3 finance journal), 2017, (with S. Ding and D. Newton). (SSCI, ABS 4*)4. “The Impact of Real Asset Illiquidity on Investment: Extending Real Options Theory with Asset Illiquidity”, submitted, Review of Economic Studies, (top 5 economics journal), 2017, (with S. Ding and E. Scheffel). (SSCI, ABS 4*)5. “Liquidity Effects on Prices and Returns Co-movement and Co-integration in Commodity Futures Markets”, submitted, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017, (with S. Ding, M. Duygun, and M. Shaban). (ranked No.5 in finance journals by impact factor), (SSCI, ABS 3*)6. “Derivatives Pricing with Liquidity Risk: Validation in Futures Markets”, submitted, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017, (with S. Ding, and M. Duygun). (ranked No.5 in finance journals by impact factor), (SSCI, ABS 3*)7. “Portfolio selection and dynamic behavior in Heston's stochastic volatility model using a contingent claim”, submitted, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017, (with A. Zhang, Y. Zhao, D. Borgia). (ranked No.5 in finance journals by impact factor), (SSCI, ABS 3*)8. “Forecasting Oil Volatility with Liquidity Effects: A Generic Programming Based Method”, submitted, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017, (with S. Ding, T. Cui, and M. Shaban). (ranked No.5 in finance journals by impact factor) , (SSCI, ABS 3*)9. “Commodity Price Co-movements and Liquidity Commonality”, R&R, Economic Modeling, 2017, (with S. Ding). (SSCI, ABS 2*)10. “Modeling Price Volatility based on a Genetic Programming Based Method”, R&R, British Journal of Management, 2018, (with S. Ding, M. Duygun, and V. Sena). (SSCI, ABS 4*) Papers in Refereed Journals11. Y. Zhang, S. Ding, and E. Scheffel, “Policy Impact on Volatility Dynamics in Commodity Futures Markets: Evidence from China”, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1002/fut.21905, Journal of Futures Markets, 2018. (the leading journal in futures and derivatives markets), (2016 Impact Factor 1.29), (SSCI, ABS 3*)12. Y. Zhang, S. Ding, “The Return and Volatility Co-movement in Commodity Futures Markets: The Effects of Liquidity Risk”, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1080/14697688.2018.1444562, Quantitative Finance, 2018. (the leading journal in quantitative finance), (2016, 5 year Impact Factor 1.06), (SSCI, ABS 3*)13. Y. Zhang, X. Shen, “Study on Financing Channels of Shipping Companies in China”, ICTACT Journal on Management Studies, Vol 03, No. 2, 531-537, May, 2017.14. Y. Zhang, X. Shen “Suggestions for Improving Profitability and Competitiveness of Shipping Companies in China”, ICTACT Journal on Management Studies, Vol 02, N0. 2, 312-321, May, 201615. Y. Zhang, W. Liu “Policy Analysis and Recommendations on Using Renewable Energy for Generating Electricity”, Environment Protection, Vol.44, No.05, 41-46, 2016.(Managed by Chinese Ministry of Environment Protection, with the largest circulation in environmental science in China).16. Y. Zhang, K. Zhou, W. Tu, X. Shen, and J. Tang “Policy Suggestions on the Devel-opment of Sci-Tech Finance in Zhejiang, China”, ICTACT Journal on Management Studies, Vol 1, No. 2, 63-73, May, 201517. Y. Zhang, W. Liu “Some Recommendations for Improving Renewable Energy Policies in China”, Management Studies, Vol 3, No. 3-4, 110-128, April 201518. Y. Zhang, X. Shen “The Strategies for Market Risk Management in International Shipping”, Management Studies, Vol 2, No. 7, 447-464, July 201419. Y. Zhang, X. Shen “Studies on market risk management strategies in shipping com-panies”, World Shipping, Vol 37, 233, 6-11, 2014.(Managed by Chinese Ministry of Transportation, with the largest circulation in shipping science in China).20. Y. Zhang, X. Shen, H. Feng, and L. Xu “Improving Competitiveness in Shipping In-dustry in Zhejiang through the Development of Shipping Finance”, Zhejiang Finance, 2, 75-79, 2014.21. Y. Zhang “Policy Recommendations for Zhejiang Shipping Finance”, Overseas Scholars, 13, 54-56, October, 201422. Y. Zhang, W. Tu, and A. Shen, “The prospect of Sci-Tech Finance in Ningbo”, Ningbo Finance, 3, 64-70, 2013.23. R. Liu and Y. Zhang, “Portfolio Management for Assets with Multiscale Risk Struc-ture”, Journal of Coupled System and Multiscale Dynamics, Vol 1, 1, 1-13, 2013.24. P. Chen, Z. Lin, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhang, “Has Real Estate Come of Age?”, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol. 17, 3, 243-254, 2011.(A leading journal published by American Real Estate Society)25. Y. Zhang, “Mortgage Backed Securities Valuation and Risk Hedging”, Journal of Risk Management, 10, pp. 94-103, 2010. Books26. Y. Zhang, “Steady Economic Growth and Financial Innovation”, China Finance Publishing House, 2013. (the leading publisher in finance in China)27. Y. Zhang, “Finance and Investment in Marine Economy”, China Finance Publishing House, 2015. (the leading publisher in finance in China) Refereed Publications in Conference Proceedings28. R. Liu, X. Li, and Y. Zhang, “Mixed Portfolio Allocation with Real Estate Asset in Chinese Market”, The Second Conference of Ningbo-Nottingham International Fi-nance Forum Paper Series, China Finance Publishing House, 2013.29. Y. Zhang, “Risk Management for Mortgage Pipeline”, The Inaugural Conference of Ningbo-Nottingham International Finance Forum Paper Series, pp. 350-357, Eco-nomics Science Press, 2011.30. Y. Zhang, “Pricing and Risk Management for Mortgage Backed Securities”, Proceed-ing of First China Forum on Financial Product Investment and Risk Management, pp. 60-79, 2010.31. Y. Zhang, “Hedging Mortgage Pipeline Risk using Capital Market Instruments”, Proceeding of First China Forum on Financial Product Investment and Risk Man-agement, pp. 344-358, 2010.32. Y. Zhang, “Some Non-arbitrage Properties in Numerical Solutions for American Op-tions”, Proceeding of SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Financial Engineering, 26, 2010.33. Y. Zhang, “American Option Pricing Model as an Obstacle Problem,” Proceeding of SIAM Annual Meeting, 2010. Papers in Wells Fargo Internal Research34. Y. Zhang, D. Key, D. Sweeney, and J. Ahlart “A New Fallout Model for Mortgage Pipeline Valuation,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2010.35. Y. Zhang and D. Key “An Alternative Method for Valuing Hedge Cost Variability,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2010.36. Y. Zhang “Transition Probabilities between Statuses for Rate Locks,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2010.37. Y. Zhang “Reverse Mortgage Cash Flow Modeling,” Capital Market Finance Docu-ment, Wells Fargo, 2009.38. Y. Zhang “Look back options with hurdle adjustment,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2009.39. Y. Zhang “ADCO Prepayment Model Tuning for Quantitative Risk Management (QRM) System,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2009.40. Y. Zhang “Comparative Study for Black-Karasinski model and Hull-White model within QRM framework,” Capital Market Finance Document, Wells Fargo, 2009. Papers in J. P. Morgan Internal Research41. Y. Zhang “Valuation and Hedging for Mortgage Backed Securities,” Capital Market Research Report, J. P. Morgan, 2008.42. Y. Zhang “Prediction Models for Daily MSR Portfolio Values,” Capital Market Re-search Report, J. P. Morgan, 2008.43. Y. Zhang “Hedging Strategies for Mortgage Servicing Rights,” Capital Market Re-search Report, J. P. Morgan, 2008.44. Y. Zhang “Multifactor Libor Market Interest Rate Models Calibration,” Capital Market Research Report, J. P. Morgan, 2008.45. Y. Zhang “WaMu Loan Level Mortgage Prepayment Models,” Capital Market Re-search Report, J. P. Morgan, 2007.46. Y. Zhang “WaMu Pool Level Mortgage Prepayment Models,” Capital Market Re-search Report, J. P. Morgan, 2007.47. Y. Zhang “Swap based Mortgage Index Models,” Capital Market Research Report, J. P. Morgan, 2007.48. Y. Zhang “Mean-reversion Mortgage Spread Models,” Capital Market Research Re-port, J. P. Morgan, 2007. Non-Refereed Papers, Report and Other Articles:49. Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, W. Tu, and X. Shen, “A Study on Strategies for Perfecting Chinese Sci-Tech Finance System”, Chinese Fintech Policy Paper, 2014.50. Y. Zhang, “Study on Strategies for Development of Zhejiang Shipping Finance,” Zhejiang Government Policy Paper, 2013.51. Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. Tu, and A. Shen, “A Report on Shanghai Sci-Tech Finance,” Ningbo Government Policy Paper, 2011.52. Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. Tu, and A. Shen, “Construction of Ningbo Sci-Tech Finance System,” Ningbo Government Policy Paper, 2011.53. P. Cheng, Z. Lin, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhang, “The Real Estate Allocation Puzzle: Factor or Fiction,” J. of Portfolio Management, under review, also available in Social Science Research Network (http://ssrn.com/abstract=1583952), 2010.54. Y. Zhang, “A Non-arbitrage Condition on Payoff Functions for American Option,” preprint, 2010.55. P. Cheng, Z. Lin, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhang, “Serial Persistence and Holding Period Dependence of Real Estate Risk,” preprint , 2010. Papers in Applied Mathematics, and Computational Science Papers in Refereed Journals56. Y. Zhang, “A two-dimensional flame tracking algorithm with application to type Ia supernova,” Nonlinearity, 22, 1909-1925, 2009. (2016 SCI Impact Factor 1.767)57. Y. Zhang, “Convergence of Free Boundaries in Discrete Obstacle Problems,” Numerische Mathematik, 106:157-164, 2007. (2016 SCI Impact Factor 2.152, one of top 3 journals in computational mathematics)58. Y. Zhang, “Monotone Convergence of Finite Element Approximation of Obstacle Problems,” Applied Mathematics Letters, 20, 445-449, 2007.(2016 SCI Impact Factor 2.233)59. Y. Zhang, R. P. Drake, J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, and D. H. Sharp, “Radiation Cou-pled Front Tracking Simulations for Laser Driven Shock Experiments,” Nonlinear Analysis, 63/5-7, pp. e1635-e1644, 2005. (5 Year SCI Impact Factor 2.268)60. S. Dutta, E. George, J. Glimm, J. Grove, H. Jin, T. Lee, X. Li, D. H. Sharp, K. Ye, Y. Yu, Y. Zhang, and M. Zhao, “Shock Wave Interactions in Spherical and Perturbed Spherical Geometries,” Nonlinear Analysis, 63/5-7, pp. 644-652, 2005. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 2.268)61. S. Dutta, J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, D. H. Sharp, and Y. Zhang, “Spherical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability for axisymmetric flow,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 65 (2004) 417-430. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 1.308)62. S. Dutta, J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, D. H. Sharp, and Y. Zhang, “Error Comparison in Tracked and Untracked Spherical Simulations,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 48, 1733-1747, 2004. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 2.008)63. Y. Zhang, “Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Time-dependent Flow of Bingham Fluid in Cylindrical Pipes by the Regularization Method,” Numerische Mathematik, Vol 96, No. 1, 153-184, 2003. (2016 SCI Impact Factor 2.152, one of top 3 journals in computational mathematics)64. S. Dutta, J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, D. H. Sharp, and Y. Zhang, “A Fast Algorithm for Moving Interface Problems,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science 2668: 782–790, 2003.65. J. Glimm, H. Jin, M. Laforest, F. Tangerman, and Y. Zhang, “A Two Pressure Nu-merical Model of Two Fluid Mixtures,” Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 1:458-484, 2003. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 2.154, the leading journal in multiscale science)66. J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, and Y. Zhang, “Interface Tracking for Axisymmetric Flows,” SIAM J. Sci. Comp., Vol 24, No. 1, 208-236, 2002. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 2.803, the leading journal in scientific computing)67. Y. Zhang, “Multilevel Projection Algorithm for Obstacle Problems,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications 41 (2001) 1505-1513. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 2.008)68. Y. Zhang, “A Posterior Error Analysis of a Two-level Scheme for Solving the Obstacle Problem,” INFORMATION, Vol. 3, No. 4, 469-477, October 2000. Non-Refereed Papers, Report and Other Articles:69. Y. Zhang, “Monotonicity and Stability of Numerical Solutions for Obstacle Prob-lems,” Preprint, 2006.70. Y. Zhang, “Numerical Solution of Variational Inequalities,” Ph.D thesis, University of Chicago, 1997.71. Y. Zhang, “Implementation of MA Prediction Algorithm,” Applied Science Labora-tory, GE Medical Systems, 1997.72. Y. Zhang, “File Structure and Operation Manual for CT/i Implementation of MA Prediction Algorithm,” Applied Science Laboratory, GE Medical Systems, 1997.73. Y. Zhang, “A Monotonicity Principle and L∞-Error Bound for a Discrete Obstacle Problem,” Technical Report (TR-96-21), University of Chicago, 1996. Papers in Physics, and Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Science Papers in Refereed Journals74. Y. Zhang, R. P. Drake, and J. Glimm, “Numerical Evaluation of Impact of Laser Preheat on Interface Structure and Instability,” Physics of Plasmas, 14, 062703, 2007.(2016 SCI Impact Factor 2.115, the leading journal in Plasma Physics)75. Z. Xu, J. Glimm, Y. Zhang, and X. Liu, “A Multiscale Front Tracking method for Compressible Free Surface Flows,” Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (13): 3538-3548, 2007. (5 year SCI Impact Factor 3.077)76. Y. Zhang, J. Glimm, and S. Dutta, “Tracked Flame Simulation for Type Ia Super-nova,” Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 950-953, 2005.77. Y. Zhang, J. Glimm, and R. P. Drake, “Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Mixing for Laser Experiments and Supernova,” Bulletin of American Physical Society, Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 178, 2005.78. J. Glimm, H. Jin, and Y. Zhang, “Front Tracking for Multiphase Fluid Mixing,” Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow, 2, pp. 13-22, 2004.79. R. P. Drake, H. F. Robey, O. A. Hurricane, Y. Zhang, B. A. Remington, J. Knauer, J. Glimm, D. Arnett, J. O. Kane, K. S. Budil, J. W. Grove “Experiments to produce a hydrodynamically unstable spherically diverging system of relevance to instabilities in supernovae,” Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 564, 2, 896-908, 2002. (2015 SCI Impact Factor 5.909, the leading journal in Astrophysics)80. J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, Y. Zhang, and S. Dutta, “Numerical Study of Axisymmetric Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability and Azimuthal Effect on Spherical Mixing,” J. Stat. Physics, Vol. 107, nos 112, 241-260, 2002.(2015 SCI Impact Factor 1.537, the leading journal in Statistical Physics)81. J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, and Y. Zhang, “Three Dimensional Axisymmetric Simula-tions of Fluid Instabilities in Curved Geometry,” Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 3, 643-652, 2000. Refereed Publications in Conference Proceedings82. Y. Zhang “Numerical Measurement of Impact of Laser Preheat in Laboratory As-trophysics Experiments,” Proceeding of SIAM Annual Meeting, 2006.83. J. Glimm, H. Jin, and Y. Zhang, “Front Tracking for Multiphase Fluid Mixing,” Proceeding of Division of Fluid Dynamics 56th Annual Meeting, KB.008, American Physical Society, 2003. Non-Refereed Papers, Report and Other Articles:84. J. Glimm, X. Li, and Y. Zhang, “Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Mixing Laser Experiments and Supernova,” National Nuclear Security Administration Progress Report, Award Number: DEFGS206NA 26208, 2007.85. J. Glimm and Y. Zhang, “Laser Fusion and Turbulent Mixing”, Advanced Energy Research and Technology, Page 5, 2006.86. Y. Zhang, J. Glimm, S. Dutta, and P. Lavergne, “Interface Tracking for Reactive Flows with Application to Type Ia Supernova,” Preprint, 2006.87. R. P. Drake, Y. Zhang, and etc., “Experimental Astrophysics on Omega Laser,” Na-tional Nuclear Security Administration Final Report, Award Number: DEFG5203SF22689, 2005.88. S. Dutta, J. Glimm, and Y. Zhang, “LES Simulations of Turbulent Combustion in a Type Ia Supernova,” University at Stony Brook preprint number AMS-05-05, 2005.89. Y. Zhang, R. P. Drake, J. Glimm, and P. Lavergne, “Numerical Measurement of Impact of Laser Preheat on Interface Structure and Instability,” University at Stony Brook Report, AMS-03-13, 2004.90. J. Glimm, J. Grove, and Y. Zhang, “Numerical Calculation of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov Instabilities for Three Dimensional Axisymmetric flows in Cylin-drical and Spherical Geometries,” Los Alamos Laboratory, Report# LA-UR99-6796, 1999.
科研項目:2017.01-2021.12,寧波市海外高層次人才和高端創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)新團(tuán)隊(3315計劃),2000萬元。2016/01-2018/12,主持質(zhì)譜現(xiàn)場離子源電離機(jī)理的研究(61501273),國家自然科學(xué)基金項目。2012/01-2015/12 三重四級桿串聯(lián)質(zhì)譜系統(tǒng)的研制及其痕量有機(jī)物分析中的應(yīng)用(“十二五”國家重大科技專項,基金號,2011YQ060084,項目總經(jīng)費4155萬),主持子課題2項,(編號:2011YQ0600840602,204萬)和(編號:2011YQ0600840702,226萬)。
