
發布時間:2021-11-20 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


寧波大學醫學院導師:龔朝輝 正文





研究領域(Research Field)
腫瘤分子生物學(Molecular Biology of Cancer)
研究興趣(Research Interests)
(1)非編碼RNA在腫瘤發生、診斷和治療中的作用(Noncoding RNAs inTumorigenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment)
(2)非編碼RNA自身調控和競爭性調控的分子機制(Self-regulations and Competitive regulations of Noncoding RNAs)
教育背景(Education Background)
2001-2006年:浙江大學生物化學與分子生物學專業,博士(Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)
1997-2001年:浙江大學生物科學專業,學士(B.S., Biological Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)
工作經歷(Professional Experience)
2013年-至今:寧波大學醫學院,教授(Professor, Ningbo University School of Medicine)
2013年:美國德州大學MD安德森癌癥中心,訪問科學家(Visiting Scientist, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA)
2010年:美國肯塔基大學,訪問學者(Visiting Scholar, University of Kentucky, USA)
2007-2013年:寧波大學醫學院,副教授(Associate Professor, Ningbo University School of Medicine)
2006-2007年:寧波大學醫學院,講師(Assistant Professor, Ningbo University School of Medicine)

論文(Recent Publications)(*Corresponding author;?Equal contributions)
1.Li J, Tian H, Pan J, Jiang N, Yang J, Zhou C, Xu D, Meng X*, Gong Z*. Pecanex functions as a competitive endogenous RNA of S-phase kinase associated protein 2 in lung cancer. Cancer Letters 2017, Accepted.
2. Geng Q?, Liu J?, Gong Z?, Chen S?, Chen S, Li X, Lu Y, Zhu X, Lin HK, Xu D*. Phosphorylation by mTORC1 stablizes Skp2 and regulates its oncogenic function in gastric cancer. Molecular Cancer 2017, 16(1):83.
3. Tian H, Zhou C, Yang J, Li J, Gong Z*. Long- and short- noncoding RNAs in lung cancer precision medicine: opportunities and challenges. Tumor Biology 2017, 39(4): 1010428317697578.
4. Li J, Tian H, Yang J, Gong Z*. Long noncoding RNAs regulate cell growth, proliferation and apoptosis. DNA and Cell Biology 2016, 35(9):459-470.
5. Yang J, Li J, Le Y, Zhou C, Zhang S, Gong Z*. PFKL/miR-128 axis regulates glycolysis by inhibiting AKT phosphorylation and predicts poor survival in lung cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research 2016, 6(2):473-485.
6. Yang L?, Yang J?, Li J, Shen X, Le Y, Zhou C, Wang S, Zhang S, Xu D, Gong Z*. MircoRNA-33a inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis and could be a prognostic marker in non-small cell lung cancer. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:13677.
7. Jin G, Lee SW, Zhang X, Cai Z, Gao Y, Chou PC, Rezaeian AH, Han F, Wang CY, Yao JC, Gong Z, Chan CH, Huang CY, Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Tu SH, Wu CH, Sarbassov DD, Ho YS, Lin HK*. Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1. Molecular Cell 2015 58(6):989-1000.
8. Xu D, Li CF, Zhang X, Gong Z, Chan CH, Lee SW, Jin G, Rezaeian AH, Han F, Wang J, Yang WL, Feng ZZ, Chen W, Wu CY, Wang YJ, Chow LP, Zhu XF, Zeng YX, Lin HK*. Skp2-MacroH2A1-CDK8 axis orchestrates G2/M transition, polyploidy and tumorigenesis. Nature Communications 2015, 6: 6641.
9. Li J, Yang J, Zhou P, Le Y, Zhou C, Wang S, Xu D, Lin HK, Gong Z*. Circular RNAs in cancer: novel insights into origins, properties, functions and implications. American Journal of Cancer Research 2015, 5(2):472-480.
10. Zhou P#, Wang Q#, Yang J, Li J, Guo J, Gong Z*. A statistical analysis of college biochemistry textbooks in China: the statuses on the publishing and usage. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 2015, 11(3), 685-691.
11. Gong Z*. Pollution: Clear our skies over Beijing. Nature 2015, 517(7533):145 .
12. Gong Z*, Yang J, Li J, Yang L, Le Y, Wang S, Lin HK. Novel insights into the role of microRNA in lung cancer resistance to treatment and targeted therapy. Current Cancer Drug Targets 2014, 14(3):241-258.
13. Dong Z, Zhong Z, Yang L, Wang S, Gong Z*. MicroRNA-31 inhibits cisplatin-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer cells by regulating the drug transporter ABCB9. Cancer Letters, 2014, 343(2):249-257.
14. Chen XQ, Wang XB, Guan RF, Tu J, Gong ZH*, Zheng N, Yang JH, Zhang YY, Ying MM. Blood anticoagulation and antiplatelet activity of green tea (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) in mice. Food & Function, 2013, 4(10):1521-1525.
15. Zhong Z, Dong Z, Yang L, Chen X, Gong Z*. MicroRNA-31-5p modulates cell cycle by targeting human mutL homolog 1 in human cancer cells. Tumor Biology 2013, 34(3):1959-1965.
16. Zhong Z, Dong Z, Yang L, Gong Z*. miR-21 induces cell cycle at S phase and modulates cell proliferation by down-regulating hMSH2 in lung cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2012, 138(10):1781-1788.
17. Zhong Z, Dong Z, Yang L, Chen X, Gong Z*. Inhibition of proliferation of human lung cancer cells by green tea catechins is mediated by upregulation of let-7. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 2012, 4(2):267-272.
18. Pan L, Gong Z*, Zhong Z, Dong Z, Liu Q, Le Y, Guo J. Lin-28 reactivation is required for let-7 repression and proliferation in human small cell lung cancer cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2011, 335(1-2):257-263.
19. Gong Z*, Guo J, Liu Q, Le Y, Zhong J , Li Q. Integration of biochemistry and molecular biology as a system curriculum in Chinese medical undergraduates. Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2011, 5(4):237-242.
20. Gong Z*, Pan L, Le Y, Liu Q, Zhou M, Xing Z, Zhuo R, Wang S, Guo J. Glutamic acid decarboxylase epitope protects against autoimmune diabetes through activation of Th2 immune response and induction of possible regulatory mechanism. Vaccine 2010, 28(24):4052-4058.
21. Long XE, Gong ZH*, Pan L, Zhong ZW, Le YP, Liu Q, Guo JM, Zhong JC. Suppression of CDK2 expression by siRNAs induces cell cycle arrest and cell proliferation inhibition in human cancer cells. BMB Reports 2010, 43(4):291-296.
22. Gong Z*, Long X, Pan L, Le Y, Liu Q, Wang S, Guo J, Xiao B, Zhou M, Mei D. Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of the cholera toxin B subunit and triple glutamic acid decarboxylase epitopes fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification 2009, 66(2):191-197.
23. Zhuo Z, Zhang L, Mu Q, Lou Y, Gong Z*, Shi Y, Ouyang G, Zhang Y. The effect of combination treatment with docosahexaenoic acid and 5-fluorouracil on the mRNA expression of apoptosis-related genes, including the novel gene BCL2L12, in gastric cancer cells. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 2009, 45(1-2): 69-74.
24. Guo J, Xiao B, Liu Q, Gong Z, Le Y. Suppression of C-myc expression associates with anti-proliferation of aloe-emodin on gastric cancer cells. Cancer Investigation 2008, 26(4):369-374.
25. Guo JM, Xiao BX, Liu Q, Zhang S, Liu DH, Gong ZH. Anticancer effect of aloe-emodin on cervical cancer cells involves G2M arrest and induction of differentiation. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2007, 28(12):1991-1995.
26. Gong Z, Jin Y, Zhang Y. Suppression of diabetes in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice by oral administration of a cholera toxin B subunit-insulin B chain fusion protein vaccine expressed in silkworm. Vaccine 2007, 25(8):1444-1451.
27. Gong Z*, Le Y, Guo J, Liu Q. Cloning and sequence analysis of bombyxin G gene from silkworm Bomby mori larvae. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2007, 2(3):315-318.
28. Gong Z, Jin Y, Zhang Y. Incorporation of partial polyhedrin homology sequences (PPHS) enhances the production of cloned foreign genes in baculovirus expression system. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 2006, 43(3):165-170.
29. Gong Z, Jin Y, Zhang Y. Oral administration of a cholera toxin B subunit-insulin fusion protein produced in silkworm protects against autoimmune diabetes. Journal of Biotechnology 2005, 119(1):93-105.
30. Gong ZH, Jin HQ, Jin YF, Zhang YZ. Expression of cholera toxin B subunit and assembly as functional oligomers in silkworm. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Current as BMB Reports) 2005, 38(6):717-724.
31. Jin Y, Chen Y, Gong Z. Determination and analysis of the pre-mRNA cleavage sites in Arabidopsis. RNA Biology 2005, 2(3): 24-26.
32. 江楠,田海華,潘金昌,龔朝輝*. 循環長鏈非編碼RNA作為生物標志物在腫瘤分子診斷中的應用. 生物工程學報,2017,33(6):910-922
33. 李靜秋,楊杰,周平,樂燕萍,龔朝輝*.競爭性內源RNA的生物學功能及其調控. 遺傳,2015, 37(8): 756-764.
34. 楊麗華,沈星凱,李靜秋,楊杰,樂燕萍,龔朝輝*.微RNA通過調節上皮間質轉化影響腫瘤轉移. 遺傳,2014, 36(7): 637-645
35. 楊杰,董琢,楊麗華,龔朝輝*.微RNA在腫瘤細胞糖代謝中的功能. 中國細胞生物學學報,2013, 35(10): 1559-1564
36. 楊麗華,沈星凱,符丹,余玉春,趙淵,龔朝輝*. 小動物活體成像技術在腫瘤研究中的應用. 寧波大學學報(理工版),2013, 26(4): 115-118
37. 楊麗華,董琢,龔朝輝*.細胞外微RNA:一種新型的肺癌分子生物標志物. 遺傳,2012, 34(6): 651-658
38. 董琢,楊麗華,鐘智偉,龔朝輝*. 微小RNA與肺癌耐藥. 中國細胞生物學學報,2012, 34(4):391-397
39. 鐘智偉,潘琳,龍香娥,樂燕萍,龔朝輝*. DNA錯配修復與肺癌. 中國細胞生物學學報,2011, 33(2):210-215
40. 潘琳,龔朝輝*,樂燕萍,龍香娥. MicroRNA與肺癌發生、診斷及治療. 生命科學,2010, 22(1):89-93.(*通訊作者)
41. 龍香娥,龔朝輝*. 哺乳動物中介導RNA干擾的載體研究進展. 基礎醫學與臨床,2008, 28(9):1004-1006
42. 卓志紅,龔朝輝*. DNA甲基化與乳腺癌. 癌變 畸變 突變,2008,20(2):163-165
2. 郭俊明主編,龔朝輝副主編. 非編碼RNA與腫瘤,人民衛生出版社,2014,第一版
3. 龔朝輝主編. 生物化學與分子生物學實驗指導(雙語版),浙江大學出版社,2012,第一版
4. 張咸寧主編,龔朝輝等參編. 醫學遺傳學(雙語),北京大學醫學出版社,2009,第一版
學術兼職(Committee and Broad Memberships)
2014年-至今:浙江省生物化學與分子生物學學會理事(Director, Zhejiang Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
2014年-至今:浙江省實驗動物行業協會副理事長(Vice President, Zhejiang Society of Laboratory Animal)
2014年-至今:Journal of Tumor(ISSN: 1819-6187)、Jacobs Journal of Pulmonology(ISSN: 2469-3170)編委(Editorial Member);Nature Communications、BMC Cancer等雜志審稿人(Reviewer)
1. 微小RNA通過調節磷酸果糖激酶表達影響腫瘤細胞糖代謝的機制及其意義(2015A610220),寧波市自然科學基金,2015.02-2017.06
2. Twist1-miRNA-ceRNA調控網絡在介導肺癌細胞上皮間質轉化和腫瘤轉移中的作用(LY15C060003),浙江省自然科學基金,2015.01-2017.12
3. 循環長鏈非編碼RNA在肺癌早期診斷和預后判斷中的應用(2014C50058),寧波市社發攻關項目,2014.04-2016.12
4. miR-33a在Twist1誘導肺癌細胞發生上皮間質轉化中的作用機制(pd2013103),浙江省高校中青年學科帶頭人學術攀登項目,2013.06-2015.12
5. 適合動態觀察的小細胞肺癌轉移模型的建立及其應用(2012C37102),浙江省公益性技術應用研究計劃,2012.01-2013.12
6. 微小 RNA miR-21 與 DNA 錯配修復基因相互作用在肺癌發生中的調控機制研究(LY12C06002),浙江省自然科學基金,2012.01-2013.12
7. miR-31在肺癌細胞耐藥中的作用機制(2012A610193),寧波市自然科學基金,2012.02-2014.02
8. 肺癌中miR-31對DNA錯配修復蛋白的調控機制研究(Z201119414),浙江省教育廳重點項目,2011.10-2013.10
9. 寧波大學實驗動物公共服務平臺建設(BB01397104200),浙江省教育廳實驗室建設項目,2011.01-2011.12
10. 家蠶中microRNA的基因鑒定與功能研究(30670447), 國家自然科學基金,2007.01-2009.12
11. 基于CTB的I型糖尿病蛋白疫苗設計及其功能研究(Y207239),浙江省自然科學基金,2008.01-2010.12
12. DNA載體介導的腫瘤細胞RNA干擾研究(2007A610075),寧波市自然科學基金,2007.03-2008.12
13. CTB與三拷貝谷氨酸脫羧酶融合蛋白的構建及其抗I型糖尿病的研究(2007C10016),寧波市社會發展項目,2007.01-2009.12
14. 一種新型抗I型糖尿病口服疫苗的研究(2007A153),浙江省衛生廳科學基金,2007.07-2010.06
15. 穩定的RNAi對結腸癌細胞體外增殖的影響(2007-012),浙江省教育廳優秀青年教師資助計劃,2009.01-2010.12
16. miRNA在肺癌形成過程中自身調控機制研究(2009A610187),寧波市自然科學基金, 2009.02-2011.02
1. 分子遺傳學在青少年近視防治中的應用研究(HK2015000150),橫向合作項目,2016.07-2017.12
2. 一次性使用便攜電凝刀在動物止血中的測試研究(HK2015000121),橫向合作項目,2015.12-2016.05
3. 旁正中入路單側椎弓根螺釘固定結合椎間融合治療腰椎退行性疾病的臨床指導研究(HK2013000202),橫向合作(服務類),2014.01-2014.03
4. CTB與谷氨酸脫羧酶融合蛋白的構建及其功能研究(H07178),橫向基金,2007.04-2009.04
5. COMT基因Val158/108Met多態性與精神分裂癥認知功能的相關性研究(H06279),橫向基金,2007.01-2007.12
部分獲獎及榮譽(Selected Awards and Honors)
1. 微RNA在肺癌發生發展和化療耐藥中的作用. 寧波市科技進步獎二等獎,2016,排名:1/9
2. 基于CTB的融合蛋白疫苗設計與抗I型糖尿病機制研究. 寧波市科技進步獎三等獎,2012,排名:1/7
3. DNA載體介導的腫瘤細胞RNA干擾研究. 浙江省教育廳高校科研成果獎三等獎,2009,排名:1/7
4. 新型I型糖尿病口服藥物的設計和在家蠶表達研究. 浙江省教育廳高校科研成果獎一等獎,2008,排名:3/3
5. 寧波大學教壇新秀,2012
6. 寧波大學最受學生歡迎的青年教師,2010
7. 寧波大學最受學生歡迎的青年教師,2012



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