
發布時間:2021-12-02 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


深圳技術大學城市交通與物流學院導師:張婷 正文

張婷 副教授
09/2010 至 11/2014香港大學博士學位物流與供應鏈管理方向
09/2008 至 07/2009香港大學碩士學位物流與供應鏈管理方向
09/2004 至 07/2008華中科技大學 學士學位
01/2019 至今 深圳技術大學城市交通與物流學院副教授
01/2015 至12/2018 廣東工業大學機電工程學院 講師、副系主任、碩導
09/2017 至08/2018 美國西北大學Northwestern University 博士后
08/2009 至 06/2010 香港大學工業及制造系統工程系助理研究員
1. 國家自然科學基金(青年項目),71701052 (172K0268),高時變養護需求驅動的護理班次與人力資源優化配置,2018-01到2020-12,主持
2. 廣東省自然科學基金,2017C030110189,面向動態集群式供應鏈的“生產-物流”多級聯動決策優化研究,2017-03-01 到2020-02-28,主持
3. 廣州市科學(技術)研究專項一般項目,201607010154,集團制造企業中基于物聯網的“生產-物流”系統ALC多尺度聯動決策方法,2016-04-01到2019-03-31,主持
4. 廣東省自然科學基金(重點),2016A030311041,面向工業4.0的大型物聯制造系統聯動式智能決策方法研究,2016-06-01到2019-06-01,參與(排名第二)
張婷等(排名第一). 一種多人預約調度路徑規劃方法: 國家發明專利,申請號 201711339138.4[P].
1.Ting Zhang, Ting Qu*, George Q. Huang, Xin Chen. 2016. Sizing, pricing and common replenishment in a headquarter-managed centralized distribution center. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol. 116, 6, 45-59.
2.楊欣潼, 張婷*, 白麗平, 石園, 陳文戈.社區居家養老服務的預約調度與路徑規劃問題研究: 基于改善蟻群算法[J].系統工程理論與實踐, 2018, 2(1): 21-30.
3. Yun Huang, Kai Wang, Ting Zhang, Chuan Pang. 2015. Green supply chain coordination with greenhouse gases emissions management: a game-theoretic approach. Journal of cleaner production. Accepted DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.05.137
4.Ting Zhang*, George Q. Huang, Hao Luo, Runyang, Zhong. 2014. Storage Pricing and allocation in a Headquarter-managed centralized distribution center. Procedia CIRP. Vol 25, 33-38.
5.Ting Zhang, George Q. Huang*, Zhi Li and Ting Qu. 2013. Headquarter-centered Common Sourcing Management through Order Consolidation and Coordination. Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 40, 8, 2011–2025.
6.George Q. Huang, Ting Zhang*, Su Xiu Xu, Ting Qu. 2013. Headquarter-centered Common Order Management: A Simulation Approach. Production, Planning & Control. Vol.25, Iss.13-14, 1156-1168.
7.F.T.S.Chan* and Ting Zhang. 2011. The impact of Collaborative Transportation Management on supply chain performance: A simulation approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 2319-2329.
8.Su Xiu Xu, Qiang Lu*, George Q. Huang, Ting Zhang. 2013. Scope economies, market information, and make-or-buy decision under asymmetric information. International Journal of Production Economics. 145, 339-348.
9.Ray Y. Zhong, George Q. Huang, Shulin Lan, Q.Y.Dai, Ting Zhang, Chen Xu. 2015. A two-level advanced production planning and scheduling model for RFID-enabled ubiquitous manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics. Accepted DOI:10.1016/j.aei.2015.01.002.
10.Ray Y. Zhong, George Q. Huang, Shulin Lan, Q.Y. Dai, Xu Chen, Ting Zhang. 2015. A big data approach for logistics trajectory discovery from RFID-enabled production data. International Journal of Production Economics. Volume 165, July 2015, 260–272
11.Ting Zhang, Xintong Yang, Qingxin Chen, Liping Bai, Wenge Chen. 2018. Modified ACO for Home Health Care Scheduling and Routing Problem in Chinese Communities”, The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control , China
12.Ting Zhang, Zong-zhong Wang, Xin Chen, Ting Qu. 2016. Headquarter-Centered Customer Order Management In Group Companies Under Smart Cloud Manufacturing. Proc International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing ICIDM2016, Auckland, New Zealand
13.Ting Zhang, Zong-zhong Wang, Xin Chen, Ting Qu. 2015. Inventory hedging and revenue sharing under inventory-level-dependent demand. Proc. The 22nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. Guangzhou, China.
14.Ting Zhang, George Q. Huang, Hao Luo and Runyang Zhong. 2014. Storage pricing and allocation in a Headquarter-managed centralized distribution center. Proc. The 8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology. Stuttgart, Germany.
15.Ting Zhang, George Q. Huang, Yuan Shi and Shulin Lan. 2014. Inventory space hedging and coordination between centralized distribution center and subsidiaries. Proc. The 10th annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2014). Taipei, Taiwan.
16.Ting Zhang and George Q. Huang. 2013. Trade-off between transshipment costs and benefits in Headquarter-centered Common Warehousing Management. Proc. The 43rd International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE 43). Hong Kong.
17.Ting Zhang, George Q. Huang and Ting Qu. 2011. Headquarter-centered common sourcing management: Order coordination and consolidation. Proc. IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC). San Jose, USA.
18..F.T.S.Chan and Ting M. Zhang. 2010. The Impact of Collaborative Transportation Management on Supply Chain Performance. Proc. The 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems. Hong Kong
19.George Q. Huang and Ting M. Zhang. 2010. Customer Order Scheduling in Parallel Batching Processors with Splitting-Merging Procedure. Proc. The 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems. Hong Kong
“三維超聲醫學診斷儀” 項目獲全國"挑戰杯"第六屆大學生創業計劃大賽 湖北省一等獎,華中科技大學一等獎.


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