
發布時間:2018-12-01 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


山東理工大學化學工程學院導師邢偉 正文

  邢偉 男,1977年7月出生,博士, 副教授。
  享受山東理工大學特殊津貼,從事多孔炭材料的制備及在吸附、電化學儲能等領域的應用基礎研究。2005年6月獲中國石油大學(華東)工學博士學位。博士學位論文的題目為《納米結構材料的合成、表征及在電化學電容器中的應用研究》。博士期間,于2002年3月至2002年6月,在韓國KAIST(Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)做訪問學生;2002年6月至2004年10月,在澳大利亞昆士蘭大學功能納米材料研究中心做訪問學生。2010年6月至2010年9月,在澳大利亞昆士蘭大學功能納米材料研究中心做高級訪問學者。在超級電容器領域,較早地將介孔設計的概念引入到電極材料的制備中,有關介孔氧化鎳(J. Power Sources, 2004, 134, 324-330.)和有序介孔碳(Carbon, 2006, 44., 216-224.)電極材料的論文,分別被他引82和118次,其中后者于2008年被國際著名科技評論雜志《Science Watch》評為兩年來介孔材料領域被引用最多的20篇論文之一,2011年被《Carbon》雜志評為"Most Cited Article 2006-2010",即該雜志近5年被引用最多的論文之一。到目前為止,共發表SCI收錄的期刊論文50篇,被引用522次,其中他引480次,H因子為10。共申請發明專利6項,已授權2項?,F主持國家自然科學基金《有機電解液中氧化石墨插層復合物的電容形成機制和離子傳輸特性研究》、教育部科學技術研究重點項目《生物質基超級電容器電極材料研究》(210125)和山東省中青年科學家獎勵基金《不同電解液體系有序介孔碳電極材料的設計、制備與性能研究》(2008BS09007), 參與國家自然科學基金和其它省部級基金多項。獲山東省自然科學一等獎一項。

  其間,于2002年6月到2002年9月, 在韓國高等理工學院(KAIST)進行合作研究

  Li X, Xing W*, Zhuo S*, Zhou J, Li F, Qiao SZ, Lu GQ. Preparation of capacitor's electrode from sunflower seed shell. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2), 1118-1123. (責任作者,IF=4.253)
  Xing W, Qiao S, Wu X, Gao X, Zhou J, Zhuo S, Budi Hartono S, Hulicova-Jurcakova D. Exaggerated capacitance using electrochemically active nickel foam as current collector in electrochemical measurement. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(8), 4123-4127. (IF= 3.792)
  Wang G, Huang C, Xing W, Zhuo S. Micro-meso hierarchical porous carbon as low-cost counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochim. Acta, 2011, 56(16), 5459-5463. (IF=3.325)
  Wang GQ, Wang L, Xing W, Zhuo SP. A novel counter electrode based on mesoporous carbon for dye-sensitized solar cell. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 123(2-3), 690-694.
  Si WJ, Wu XZ, Xing W, Zhou J, Zhuo SP. Bagasse based nanoporous carbon for supercapacitor application. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2011, 26(1), 107-112.
  Wang G, Huang C, Xing W, Zhuo S. Hierarchical porous carbon counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(3), 038801.
  Zhou J, Yuan X, Xing W, Si W, Zhuo S. Capacitive performance of mesoporous carbons derived from the citrates in ionic liquid. Carbon, 2010, 48(10), 2765-2772. (IF=4.504)
  Zhou J, Yuan X, Xing W, Si WJ, Zhuo SP. Mesoporous carbons derived from citrates for use in electrochemical capacitors. New Carbon Materials, 2010, 25(5), 370-375.
  Zhou Z, Shan G, Liao Y, Xing W, Yang S, Su Z. A theoretical study of ground and excited state proton transfer and rotamerim in salicylanilide and its 1:1 complex with methanol. Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem, 2010, 945(1-3), 110-115.
  Xing W, Huang CC, Zhuo SP, Yuan X, Wang GQ, Hulicova-Jurcakova D, Yan ZF, Lu GQ. Hierarchical porous carbons with high performance for supercapacitor electrodes. Carbon, 2009, 47(7), 1715-1722. (IF=4.504, 被引用30次,其中他引25次)
  Huang CC, Xing W*, Zhuo SP*. Capacitive performances of amorphous tungsten oxide prepared by microwave irradiation. Scripta Materialia, 2009, 61(10), 985-987. (責任作者, IF=2.949)
  Yuan X, Xing W*, Zhuo SP*, Han ZH, Wang GQ, Gao XL, Yan ZF. Preparation and application of mesoporous Fe/carbon composites as a drug carrier. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 117(3), 678-684. (責任作者)
  Wang GQ, Xing W, Zhuo SP. Application of mesoporous carbon to counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 194(1), 568-573. (IF=3.792, 被引用29次,其中他引26次)
  Xing W, Yuan X, Zhuo SP, Huang CC. Preparation of polyaniline-coated mesoporous carbon and its enhanced electrochemical properties. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2009, 20(12), 1179-1182.
  Xing W, Zhuo SP, Gao XL. Preparation of hierarchical porous carbon by post activation. Materials Letters, 2009, 63(15), 1311-1313.
  Xing W, Zhuo SP, Gao XL. α-Fe-incorporated nanoporous carbon with magnetic properties. Materials Letters, 2009, 63(13-14), 1177-1179.
  Yang GD, Xing W, Hu QX, Yan XL, Liu XM, Yan ZF. Synthesis of high-silica NaY zeolite from kaolin based on Taguchi technology. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 25(4), 616-622.
  Dai XD, Liu XM, Xing W, Qian L, Qiao K, Yan Zi-Feng. Natural gas storage on activated carbon modified by metal oxides. Journal of Porous Materials, 2009, 16(1), 27-32.
  Yuan X, Xing W*, Zhuo SP*, Si WJ, Gao XL, Han ZH, Yan ZF. Adsorption of bulky molecules of nonylphenol ethoxylate on ordered mesoporous carbons. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 322(2), 558-565. (責任作者, IF=3.015)
  Xing W, Zhuo SP, Cui HY, Si WJ, Gao XL, Yan ZF. Enhanced electrochemical properties of polyaniline-coated multiwall carbon nanotubes. Journal of Porous Materials, 2008, 15(6), 647-651.
  Xing W, Zhuo SP, Cui HY, Zhou HC, Si WJ, Yuan X, Gao XL, Yan ZF. Morphological control in synthesis of cobalt basic carbonate nanorods assembly. Materials Letters, 2008, 62(8-9), 1396-1399.
  Zhang Q, Li ZF, Wang SW, Xing W, Yu RJ, Yu XJ. The electro-oxidation of dimethyl ether on platinum-based catalyst. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53(28), 8298-8304. (IF=3.325)
  Xing W, Zhuo SP, Cui HY, Yan ZF. Synthesis of polyaniline-coated ordered mesoporous carbon and its enhanced electrochemical properties. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(23-24), 4627-4630.
  Yuan X, Zhuo SP*, Xing W*, Cui HY, Dai XD, Liu XM, Yan ZF. Aqueous dye adsorption on ordered mesoporous carbons. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 310 (1), 83-89. (責任作者, IF=3.015, 被引用34次,其中他引30次)
  Bai P, Xing W, Wu P, Liu X, Yan Z, Zhao XS. Evaporation-controlled nanocasting approach to a precision replication at nanometer scale. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(19-20), 4231-4234.
  Yu RJ, Cao GY, Liu XQ, Li ZF, Xing W, Zhu XJ. Fabrication of support tubular proton exchange membrane for fuel cell. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2007, 4(4), 520-524.
  Xing W, Qiao SZ, Ding RG, Li F, Lu GQ, Yan ZF, Cheng HM. Superior electric double layer capacitors using ordered mesoporous carbons. Carbon, 2006, 44(2), 216-224. (IF=4.504, 被引用137次,其中他引118次)
  Xing W, Bai P, Li ZF, Yu RJ, Yan ZF, Lu GQ, Lu LM. Synthesis of ordered nanoporous carbon and its application in Li-ion battery. Electrochimica Acta, 2006, 51(22), 4626-4633. (IF=3.325)
  Bai P, Xing W, Yan ZF. Synthesis and characterization of mesostructured tungsten nitride by using tungstic acid as the precursor. Journal of Porous Materials, 2006, 13(2), 173-180.
  Qiao SZ, Yu CZ, Xing W, Hu QH, Djojoputro H, Lu GQ. Synthesis and bio-adsorptive studies of large-pore periodic mesoporous organosilica rods. Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17(24), 6172-6176. (IF=5.368, 被引用47次,其中他引41次)
  Bai P, Xing W, Zhang ZX, Yan ZF. Facile synthesis of thermally stable mesoporous crystalline alumina by using a novel cation-anion double hydrolysis method. Materials Letters, 2005, 59 (24-25), 3128-3131.
  Xing W, Li F, Yan ZF, Lu GQ. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of mesoporous nickel oxide. Journal of Power Sources, 2004, 134 (2), 324-330. (IF=3.792, 被引用90次,其中他引82次)
  Xing W, Li F, Yan ZF, Cheng HM, Lu GQ. Synthesis of wormlike nanoporous nickel oxide with nanocrystalline framework for electrochemical energy storage. International Journal of Nanoscience, 2004, 3(3), 321-329.
  Xing W, Yan ZF. Study of mesoporous carbon with function of absorbing microwave. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2003, 146, 771-774.
  Xing W, Yan ZF. Influences of preoxidation on porestructure and surface properties of super active carbon. Novel Carbon Materials, 2002, 17(3), 25-30.
  邢偉, 劉欣梅, 白鵬, 閻子峰, 逯高清. 新型有序納米碳棒陣列的合成及在電化學電容器中的應. 中國科學, 2006, 36(7), 741-750.
  Book Chapter:
  Xing W, Diniz da Costa JC, Lu GQ, Yan ZF. Environmental Separation and Reactions: Zeolite Membranes. Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Marcel Dekker Incorporation, New York, 2004, P.1157-1166.
  1. 有機電解液中氧化石墨插層復合物的電容形成機制和離子傳輸特性研究
  國家自然科學基金青年基金(51107076) 2012,01-2014,12
  2. 生物質基超級電容器電極材料研究,
  教育部科學技術研究重點項目(210125) 2010,01-2012,12
  3. 不同電解液體系有序介孔碳電極材料的設計、制備與性能研究
  山東省中青年科學家獎勵基金(2008BS09007) 2008,12- 2010,11
  4. 氧化石墨插層復合電極材料研究
  博士后科學基金面上項目 2011,06-2014,05
  5. 染料敏化太陽電池新型高分子固態電解質體系研究(20773082)
  國家自然科學基金(20773082) 2008,01- 2010,12
  山東省科技攻關(2009GG10007006) 2009,6-2011,12

  7. 超級電容器復合電極材料的納米結構設計與相應理論研究
  山東省自然科學基金(Y2008F36) 2008,12- 2010,11
  8. 生物質基多孔炭電極材料的制備及其電化學電容特性研究
  山東省博士基金(BS2009NJ014)2009,12 - 2012,12
  9. 超級電容器電極材料的納米結構設計與性能研究
  山東理工大學青年教師支持計劃 2010,09 - 2013,08
  10. 綠色能源材料
  山東理工大學創新團隊支持計劃 2007,10 – 2010, 09
  11. 具有石墨化孔壁的納米結構碳材料的可控合成及電化學應用研究
  淄博市科技基金 2007,01 - 2008,12
  12. CH4/CO2重整反應中鎳基催化劑的積碳失活機理及抗積碳催化劑合成的研究
  山東理工大學科技基金(No. 2006KJM17) 2006,10-2009,12
  13. 用于燃料電池輔助功率單元的電化學電容器電極材料的分子結構設計及應用基礎研究
  山東理工大學博士啟動基金 2005,10 -2007,10
  2008年,學術論文被國際科技評論雜志《Science Watch》評為近兩年介孔材料領域引用最多20篇論文之一;

  Invited talks. Nanoporous Carbons Derived from Biomass for Supercapacitor Applications. IUPAC 6th International Symposium on Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-VI), Wuhan, China, October 10-14, 2010.
  Invited talks. Bagasse-based Nanoporous Carbon for Supercapacitor Applications. 7th Asia Pacific Conference On Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies, Qingdao, China, October 15-17, 2009.
  Invited talks. Superior Characteristics of Hierarchical Porous Carbon in Supercapatior. IUPAC 4th International Symposium on Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-IV), Zhenjiang, China, October 15-18, 2008.
  [1] 禚淑萍, 邢偉, 司維江, 高秀麗, 袁勛.一種鋰離子電池負極材料錫基復合金屬氧化物的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利號ZL 2008 1 0159292.8. (已授權)
  [2] 邢偉, 禚淑萍, 司維江, 高秀麗, 袁勛. 一種鋰離子電池負極材料的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利申請號CN200810159293.2. (已授權)
  [3] 邢偉, 禚淑萍, 邢偉, 司維江, 高秀麗, 李文. 一種超級電容器微孔炭材料的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利申請號CN201010011827.4. (將近期授權)
  [4] 邢偉, 禚淑萍, 周晉, 司維江, 高秀麗, 黃叢聰. 一種超級電容器多級孔炭電極材料的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利申請號CN201010011825.5.
  [5] 禚淑萍, 邢偉, 周晉, 司維江, 高秀麗, 袁勛. 一種超級電容器用介孔炭電極材料的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利申請號CN201010011826.X.
  [6] 禚淑萍, 邢偉, 周晉, 高秀麗, 司維江, 吳小中. 一種用于離子液體超級電容器介孔碳電極材料的制備方法, 中國專利, 專利申請號CN201010011828.9.




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