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山西大學(xué)化學(xué)化工學(xué)院研究生必讀經(jīng)典文獻介紹 正文

  • 經(jīng)典著作:
    1.      《有機合成》(上下冊) 黃憲  高等教育出版社。
    2.      《高等有機化學(xué)》(上下冊) 夏熾中 王積濤譯  人民教育出版社。
    3.      Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (Wiley-Interscience, New York. 6th Ed., 1999), F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bochmann.
    4.      《生物無機化學(xué)原理》,楊頻,高飛編著,科學(xué)出版社, 北京(2002)。
    5.      《熒光分析法》(第三版),許金鉤,王尊本主編,科學(xué)出版社出版。
    6.      《超分子化學(xué)-合成受體的分子識別與組裝》,劉育,尤長城,張衡益編著,南開大學(xué)出版社出版。
    7.      《催化作用基礎(chǔ)》,甄開吉,王國甲,畢穎麗著,科學(xué)出版社。
    8.      《固體催化劑實用研究方法》,劉維橋, 孫桂大著,中國石化出版社。
    9.      《中華人民共和國藥典》(一、二、三部),2005年版 國家藥典委員會編 化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社。
    10.   《中藥大辭典》(上、下冊),第二版,南京中醫(yī)藥大學(xué)編著 上海科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社。
    1.      David A. Evans,* Daniel Seidel, Magnus Rueping, Hon Wai Lam, Jared T. Shaw, and C. Wade Downey, A New Copper Acetate-Bis(oxazoline)-Catalyzed, Enantioselective Henry Reaction, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2003, 125, 12692-12693.
    2. Brian D. Dangel and Robin Pol, Catalysis by Amino Acid-Derived Tetracoordinate Complexes: Enantioselective Addition of Dialkylzincs to Aliphatic and Aromatic Aldehydes, Org. Lett. 2007, 2, 3003.
    3. Benjamin List, Proline-catalyzed asymmetric reactions, Tetrahedron, 2002, 58, 5573.
    4. Vishnu Maya, Monika Raj, and Vinod K. Singh, Highly Enantioselective Organocatalytic Direct Aldol Reaction in an Aqueous Medium, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 2593.
    5. Sanzhong Luo, Jiuyuan Li, Hui Xu, Long Zhang, and Jin-Pei Cheng, Chiral Amine-Polyoxometalate Hybrids as Highly Efficient and Recoverable Asymmetric Enamine Catalysts, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 3675.
    6. Xiao-Ying Xu, Yan-Zhao Wang, and Liu-Zhu Gong, Design of Organocatalysts for
    Asymmetric Direct Syn-Aldol Reactions, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 4247.
    7. Jung Woon Yang, Maria T. Hechavarria Fonseca, Nicola Vignola, and Benjamin List, Metal-Free, Organocatalytic Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of a,b-Unsaturated Aldehydes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 108–110.
    8. Giuseppe Bartoli, Massimo Bartolacci, Marcella Bosco, et. al., The Michael Addition of Indoles to r,â-Unsaturated Ketones Catalyzed by CeCl3â7H2O-NaI Combination Supported on Silica Gel, J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 4594-4597.
    9. Jayasree Seayad, Abdul Majeed Seayad, and Benjamin List, Catalytic Asymmetric Pictet-Spengler Reaction, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2006, 128, 1086-1087.
    10. Jingjun Yin, Matthew P. Rainka, Xiao-Xiang Zhang, and Stephen L. Buchwald, A Highly Active Suzuki Catalyst for the Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Biaryls: Novel Ligand Coordination, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 9 VOL. 124, NO. 7, 2002 1162.
    11. Ulf M. Lindstro¨m, Stereoselective Organic Reactions in Water, Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 2751-2772 .
    12. Sanzhong Luo, Hui Xu, Jiuyuan Li, Long Zhang, and Jin-Pei Cheng, A Simple Primary-Tertiary Diamine-Brønsted Acid Catalyst for Asymmetric Direct Aldol Reactions of Linear Aliphatic Ketones, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2007, 129, 3074-3075.
    13. Xin Cui, Yuan Zhou, Na Wang, Lei Liu and Qing-Xiang Guo, N-Phenylurea as an inexpensive and efficient ligand for Pd-catalyzed Heck and room-temperature Suzuki reactions, TL, 2007, 48, 163.
    14. Yoshiharu Iwabuchi, Mari Nakatani, Nobiko Yokoyama, and Susumi Hatakeyama, Chiral Amine-Catalyzed Asymmetric Baylis-Hillman Reaction: A Reliable Route to Highly Enantiomerically Enriched (r-Methylene-â-hydroxy)esters, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 10219-10220.
    15. Satoko Kezuka, Taketo Ikeno, and Tohru Yamada, Optically Active â-Ketoiminato Cationic Cobalt(III) Complexes: Efficient Catalysts for Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene Reaction of Glyoxal Derivatives, Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 1937.
    16. Lei Liu, Qin-Xiang Guo, Isokinetic relationship, isoequilibrium relationship, and enthalpy-entropy compensation , Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 673?695.
    17. Sui-Yi Lin, Shi-Wei Liu, Chia-Mei Lin, and Chun-hsien Chen,Recognition of Potassium Ion in Water by 15-Crown-5 Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles, Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 330-335
    18. Mikhail V. Rekharsky and Yoshihisa Inoue, Complexation and Chiral Recognition Thermodynamics of 6-Amino-6-deoxy-â-cyclodextrin with Anionic, Cationic, and Neutral Chiral Guests: Counterbalance between van der Waals and Coulombic Interactions, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 2002, 124: 813-826
    19. Yu Liu, Li Li, Zhi Fan, Heng-Yi Zhang, Xue Wu, Xu-Dong Guan, Shuang-Xi Liu, Supramolecular Aggregates Formed by Intermolecular Inclusion Complexation of Organo-Selenium Bridged Bis(cyclodextrin)s with Calix[4]arene Derivative, nano letters, 2002, 2:257-262.
    20. CARLITO B. LEBRILLA, The Gas-Phase Chemistry of Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes, Acc. Chem. Res. 2001, 34: 653-661
    21. Jian-Jun Wu, Yu Wang, Jian-Bin Chao, Li-Na Wang, and Wei-Jun Jin. Room Temperature Phosphorescence of 1-Bromo-4-(bromoacetyl) Naphthalene Induced Synergetically by b-cyclodextrin and Brij30 in the Presence of Oxygen. The Journal of Physical Chemistry: B, 2004, 108: 8915-8919.
    22. Xiang-feng Guo, Xu-hong Qian, and Li-hua Jia. A Highly Selective and Sensitive Fluorescent Chemosensor for Hg2+ in Neutral Buffer Aqueous Solution.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126: 2272-2273.
    23. Yu Wang, Jian-Jun Wu, Yu-Feng Wang, Li-Pin Qin, Wei-Jun Jin.  Selective Sensing of Cu (Ⅱ) at ng ml-1 level Based on Phosphorescence Quenching of 1-Bromo-2-methylnaphthalene Sandwiched in Sodium Deoxycholate Dimer. Chem. Commun. 2005, 1090-1091.
    24. Yong-fen Chen and Zeev Rosenzweig(2002) Luminescent CdS Quantum Dots as Selective Ion Probes. Anal. Chem., 74: 5132-5138
    25. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Mark Glynn, Gillian M. Tocci (née Hussey), Paul E. Kruger, Frederick M. Pfeffer Anion recognition and sensing in organic and aqueous media using luminescent and colorimetric sensors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2006, 250: 3094–3117.
    26. E.M. Martin Del Valle, Cyclodextrins and their uses: a review, Process Biochemistry 2004, 39 : 1033–1046
    27. Ahmet Gu rses, Mehmet Yalcin, Cetin Dogar,Electrocoagulation of some reactive dyes: a statistical investigation of some  electrochemical  variables, Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–4
    28. K. Lang, J. Mosinger, D.M. Wagnerová, Voltammetric studies of anthraquinone dyes adsorbed at a hanging mercury drop electrode using fast pulse techniques, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 248 (2004) 321–350
    29. You Qin Li, Yu Jing Guo, Xiu Fang Li, Jing Hao Pan, Electrochemical studies of the interaction of Basic Brown G with DNA and determination of DNA, 2007,71: 123-128.
    30. P.J. Almeida, J.A. Rodrigues, A.A. Barros, A.G. Fogg, Photophysical properties of porphyrinoid sensitizers non-covalently bound to host  molecules; models for photodynamic therapy, Analytica Chimica Acta 385 (1999) 287-293.
    31. Silvia Miret, Robert J. Simpson, and Andrew T. McKie, PHYSIOLOGY ANDMOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF DIETARY IRON ABSORPTION, Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2003. 23:283–301.
    32. Joy J. Winzerling and John H. Law, COMPARATIVE NUTRITION OF IRON AND COPPER, Annu. Rev. Nutr. 1997. 17:501–26.
    33. Kurt Dehnicke and Andreas Greiner, Unusual Complex Chemistry of Rare-Earth Elements: Large Ionic Radii—Small Coordination Numbers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, No. 12, 1341-1354.
    34. Todor Dudev, Principles Governing Mg, Ca, and Zn Binding and Selectivity in Proteins, Chem. Rev. 2003, 103, 773-787.
    35. Maria M. O. Pena, Jaekwon Lee and Dennis J. Thiele, A Delicate Balance: Homeostatic Control of Copper Uptake and Distribution, J. Nutr. 129: 1251–1260, 1999.
    36. Elza V. Kuzmenkina, Colin D. Heyes, and G. Ulrich Nienhaus, Single-molecule Forster resonance energy transfer study of protein dynamics under denaturing conditions, PNAS, October 25, 2005, vol. 102 _ no. 43 _ 15471–15476.
    37. Simon Silver, Bacterial resistances to toxic metal ions - a review, Gene 179 (1996) 9-19.
    38. David A Zacharias, Geoffrey S Baird and Roger Y Tsien, Recent advances in technology for measuring and manipulating cell signals, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2000, 10:416–421.
    39. Edward Luk Laran T. Jensen Valeria C. Culotta, The many highways for intracellular trafficking of metals, J Biol Inorg Chem (2003) 8: 803–809.
    40. JOHN B. VINCENT, Elucidating a Biological Role for Chromium at a Molecular Level, Acc. Chem. Res. 2000, 33, 503-510.
    41. Mark D. Harrison, Christopher E. Jones, Marc Solioz, Intracellular copper routing: the role of copper chaperones, TIBS 25 – JANUARY 2000, 29-32.
    42. R.J.P. Williams, My past and a future role for inorganic biochemistry, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 100 (2006) 1908–1924.
    43. Gray H B., ‘Biological Inorganic Chemistry at the Beginning of the 21th Century’, PNAS, 2003, 100(7), 3563-3583.
    44.   Chemistry of Aerogels and Their Applications, Alain C. Pierre and Ge´rard M. Pajonk, Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 4243?-4265.
    45.   Mechanisms of catalyst deactivation, Calvin H. Bartholomew, Applied Catalysis A: General 212 (2001) 17–60.
    46.   Organic chemistry on solid surfaces, Zhen Ma, Francisco Zaera, Surface Science Reports , 61 (2006) 229–281.
    47.   Heterogeneous catalysis: looking forward with molecular simulation, J.W. Andzelm, A.E. Alvarado-Swaisgood, F.U. Axe, M.W. Doyle, G. Fitzgerald 等,Catalysis Today, 50 (1999) 451-477.
    48.   Current Trends in the Improvement and Development of Catalyst Preparation Methods,N. A. Pakhomov and R. A. Buyanov,Kinetics and Catalysis, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2005, pp. 669–683.
    49.   Temperature-programmed desorption as a tool to extract quantitative kinetic or energetic information for porous catalysts,J.M. Kanervo ∗, T.J. Keskitalo, R.I. Slioor, A.O.I. Krause,Journal of Catalysis 238 (2006) 382–393.
    50.   Adsorption _ from theory to practice,A. Da?browski,Advances in Colloid and Interface Science  93(2001)135-224.
    51.   Characterization of solid acids by spectroscopy,Eike Brunner, Catalysis Today,38 (1997) 361-376.
    52.   Chemical Strategies To Design Textured Materials: from Microporous and Mesoporous Oxides to Nanonetworks and Hierarchical Structures,Galo J. de A. A. Soler-Illia, Cle´ment Sanchez等,Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 4093-4138.
    53.   Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,Cecil Dybowski,Shi Bai, and Scott van Bramer,Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 3263-3268.
    54.   Aerogel applications,Lawrence W. Hrubesh,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225_1998.335–342.
    55.   Application of computational methods to catalytic systems,F(xiàn)ernando Ruette, Morella S´anchezb, Anibal Sierraalta, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 228 (2005) 211–225.
    56.   Applications of molecular modeling in heterogeneous catalysis research,Linda J. Broadbelt1, Randall Q. Snurr,Applied Catalysis A: General 200 (2000) 23–46.
    57.   IR spectroscopy in catalysis,Janusz Ryczkowski,Catalysis Today 68 (2001) 263–381.
    58.   The surface chemistry of catalysis: new challenges ahead,F(xiàn)rancisco Zaera,Surface Science 500 (2002) 947–965.
    藥 學(xué)
    60. Peishan Xie, Sibao Chen, Yi-zeng Liang, Xianghong Wang, Runtao Tian, Roy Upton,Chromatographic fingerprint analysis—a rational approach for quality assessment of traditional Chinese herbal medicine,J. Chromatogr. A 1112 (2006) 171–180.
    61. Yi-Zeng Lianga, Peishan Xieb, Kelvin Chan, Quality control of herbal medicines, Journal of Chromatography B, 812 (2004) 53–70.
    62. 劉昌孝, 代謝組學(xué)的發(fā)展與藥物研究開發(fā), 天津藥學(xué) 2005 年4 月 第17 卷第2 期.
    63. 徐曰文,林東海,劉昌孝,代謝組學(xué)研究現(xiàn)狀與展望,藥學(xué)學(xué)報 2005, 40 (9) : 769 – 774。
    64.于德泉,天然產(chǎn)物與創(chuàng)新藥物研究開發(fā),中國天然藥物,2005年11月 第3卷第6期。
    65.屠鵬飛,姜勇,中藥創(chuàng)新藥物的發(fā)現(xiàn)與研發(fā),中國天然藥物,2007年3月 第5卷第2期。
    68.謝培山,中藥現(xiàn)代化的取向與質(zhì)量控制模式,中藥新藥與臨床藥理,2002年7月 第13卷,第4期。
    69.李 萍,齊煉文,聞曉東,盛亮洪,中藥效應(yīng)物質(zhì)基礎(chǔ)和質(zhì)量控制研究的思路與方法,中國天然藥物,2007 年1月,第5 卷,第1 期。
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    75. Toyoshima, C.; Nakasako, M.; Nomura, H. Nature, 2000, 405, 647. (b) Science, 1998, 280, 69.
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    79. Whitesides, G. M.; Simanek, E. E.; Mathias, J. P.; Seto, C. T.; Chin, D. N.; Mammen, M.; Gordon, D. M. Acc. Chem. Res. 1995, 28, 37.
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    81. Ranganathan, D.; Lakshmi, C.; Karle, I. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 6103-6107.
    82. Ranganathan, D.; Haridas, V.; Sivakama Sundari, C.; Balasubramanian, D.; Madhusudanan, K. P.; Raja Roy; Karle, I. L. J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 9230-9240.
    83. Ranganathan, D.; Samant, M. P.; Karle, I. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 5619-5624.
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