
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


廈門大學化學系導師:萬惠霖 正文

  姓名: 萬惠霖
  性別: 男
  1938年11月生于湖北武漢。廈門大學化學系物理化學專業畢業(1962)和該專業催化理論方向研究生畢 (1966),后留校教至今。期間曾作為訪問學者在美國MIT化學系研究年余(1982~1983)。先后任廈門大學化學系教授(1987~)、系主任(1991~1996)、固體表面物理化學國家重點實驗室主任和化學化工學院院長(1996~2003),中國化學會常務理事、中國科學院化學部常委、教育部科技委化學部主任和化學教學分指導委員會副主任、國務院學科評議組成員,廈門大學理工科和固體表面物理化學國家重點實驗室學術委員會主任。60年代初就參與配位催化的基礎研究,后來又在專著中詳細闡述了配位催化原理。80年代初,對固氮酶幾種重要底物多核絡合方式的量子化學計算為固氮酶活性中心模型的優化提供了重要依據。90年代初主持輕質烷烴臨氧定向轉化的研究以來,在甲烷氧化偶聯含氟催化劑的結構、酸堿性與催化性能關系,特別在活性氧物種及其反應性能的原位光譜表征等方面取得了系統的創新性成果,對形成有關催化劑的設計構思和發展有關新概念具有重要的學術意義。近年來,萬惠霖主持的課題組基于對負載型貴金屬催化劑上甲烷部分氧化(POM)反應機理的深入研究,提出其機理差異源于催化劑表面晶格氧物種濃度差異的具有相當普適性的結論,發現并闡明La2O3表面激光誘導的O22-形成及其機理,采用小簇模型,對甲烷和丙烷在氧化鉬上的活化進行了系統理論研究。與同事合作在國內外刊物上發表論文350多篇,出版專著1部,獲國家自然科學三等獎2項,國家教育部科技進步一等獎2項和二等獎3項,獲發明專利15項。1997年當選為中國科學院院士。
   Born in November, 1938, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Completed his graduate study in early 1966 from the Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University. Professor, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surface, and Dean of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University (1996-2003). Chairman of the Academic Committee, the Faculties of Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, and the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces.
Wan joined the Department of Chemistry, Xiamen Univeristy in 1966. He has been a principal participant in research on the theory of coordination catalysis and chemical  modeling of biological nitrogen fixation. He has also successfully engaged in  fundamental research on selective (amm)oxidation of propylene and quantum chemistry in catalysis. Since early 1990s, he has led an extensive study on the oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) and oxidative conversion of light alkanes (C2-C4) and made important achievements in the field. He and his research group developed a series of fluoride-containing rare-earth-alkaline-earth-oxide-based catalysts with good and excellent catalytic performance in OCM and oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of ethane and propane, and expounded the nature of the promoter action of fluorides in the catalysts. On the basis of these studies, he has put forward the principle of structure-directed constituent selection for OCM and ODH of ethane, and illustrated that neither surface basicity, nor p-type conductivity is always a requisite attribute for a good OCM catalyst. He and his colleagues have successfully used in situ spectroscopic methods to characterize surface oxygen adspecies under the OCM reaction conditions over the fluoride-containing OCM catalysts and obtained direct spectroscopic evidence for the superoxide adspecies being an active oxygen adspecies for OCM reaction. Part of their research work on the fluoride- containing catalysts was reported by the Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) in1994.Recently, Wan and his research group proposed and generalized the factors determining the mechanism of partial oxidation of methane (POM) to synthesis gas over the supported noble metal catalysts based upon a systematic study on the reaction using in situ time-resolved FTIR and in situ Raman spectroscopies; discovered the laser induced peroxide(O22-) formation on the surface of the La2O3 under O2 and proposed the related mechanism; and carried out a theoretical study on the activation mechanisms of methane and propane and found that the H abstraction mechanism is the most feasible reactionpathway.As author or coauthor, he has published one book and more than 350 research papers in domestic and international journals,and won two National Awards for Natural Science(3rd prize)and a few prizes by the State Ministry of Education. He has also held 15
national patents of invention.He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997.
  (1) An efficient synthesis of helical mesoporous silica nanorods,CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2006, 35, (2), 190-191.,2006年02月
  (2) Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over LiCl/SO42-ZrO2 catalyst,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 2006, 27, (1), 79-85,2006年01月
  (3) Preparation of MoVTe(Sb)Nb mixed oxide catalysts using a slurry method for selective oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 2005, 240, (1-2), 191-196.,2005年10月
   (4) MCM41 and silica supported MoVTe mixed oxide catalysts for direct oxidation of propane to acrolein,Applied Catalysis A-General 2005, 293, 49-55.,2005年09月
   (5) Oscillations of partial oxidation of methane over H-ZSM-5 supported rhodium catalyst,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 2005, 239, (1-2), 193-200.,2005年09月
   (6) Effect of Te on selective oxidation of propane to acrolein over MoPO/SiO2 catalyst,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 2005, 26, (6), 497-502.,2005年06月
   (7) Mechanisms of initial propane activation on molybdenum oxides: A density functional theory study,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 2005, 109, (13), 6416-6421.,2005年04月
   (8) Mechanisms of methane activation and transformation on molybdenum oxide based catalysts,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2005, 127, (11), 3989-3996.,2005年03月
   (9) Partial oxidation of methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide over a Ni/TiO2 catalyst,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 2005, 226, (1), 41-48.,2005年02月
   (10) Preparation of Zr-promoted nano-NiO catalyst and its catalytic performance for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 2005, 26, (2), 148-152.,2005年02月
   (11) Fabrication of zeolite A rods with irregular macropores by self-assembly of zeolite A microcrystals using microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2004, 22, (12), 1454-1455.,2004年12月
   (12) Investigation of catalysis mechanism for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over cobalt-based catalysts,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2004, 62, (18), 1760-1764.,2004年09月
   (13) Study on structures and performances of MoVTeO/SiO2 catalysts for selective oxidation of propane to acrolein,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2004, 62, (18), 1701-1705.,2004年09月
   (14) In situ time-resolved FTIR and Raman characterizations of the partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas over Ir/SiO2 catalyst,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2004, 62, (18), 1853-1857.,2004年09月
   (15) Partial oxidation of methane to H2 and CO over Rh/SiO2 and Ru/SiO2 catalysts,JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 2004, 226, (2), 247-259.,2004年09月
   (16) Laser-induced formation of metal-peroxide linkages on the surface of lanthanum sesquioxide under oxygen,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 43(8)975,2004年02月
   (17) Effect of Ag promoter on redox properties and catalytic performance of Ag-Mo-P-O catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 220 (1-4): 117-124 DEC 30 2003,2003年12月
   (18) Density functional calculations on the binding of dinitrogen to the FeFe cofactor in Fe-only nitrogenase: FeFeCo(mu(6)-N-2) as intermediate in nitrogen fixation,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 42 (22): 6986-6988 NOV 3 2003,2003年11月
   (19) Density functional characterization of N-2 dissociation on the step of ruthenium clusters,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 119 (17): 9178-9182 NOV 1 2003,2003年11月
   (20) Effect of promoter Ce on silver-molybdenum-phosphate catalysts for selective oxidation of propane to acrolein,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 200 (1-2): 291-300 JUN 2 2003,2003年06月
   (21) Selective oxidation of propane to acrolein over Ce-doped Ag-Mo-P-O catalysts: influence of Ce promoter,CATALYSIS LETTERS 87 (3-4): 229-234 APR 2003,2003年04月
   (22) Studies on VPO/SiO2 catalyst for selective oxidation of propane,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 24 (2): 87-92 FEB 2003,2003年02月
   (23) Activation of methane to syngas over a Ni/TiO2 catalyst,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 239 (1-2): 43-58 JAN 30 2003,2003年01月
   (24) Comparative study on the mechanisms of partial oxidation of methane to syngas over rhodium supported on SiO2 and gamma-Al2O3,TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 22 (1-2): 87-93 JAN 2003,2003年01月



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