
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


廈門大學經財政系導師:蔡偉賢 正文

   姓名:蔡偉賢 性別:男 籍貫:湖南沅江
   電子郵件: wxcai@xmu.edu.cn
2008年07月 評為廈門大學“優秀共產黨員”
   2008年09月 獲2008年全國博士生學術論壇(經濟學)一等獎
   2009年04月 獲廈門大學莊少華校慶獎學金
   2011年04月 獲福建省鄧子基教育基金會“鄧子基獎教金”
   2011年05月 獲廈門大學經濟學院第七屆青年教師教學技能大賽三等獎
   2011年11月 獲2010-2011年度“廈門大學優秀本科生導師”
   2009年7月至今 于廈門大學經濟學院財政系任教,開授課程為微觀經濟學、計量經濟學、稅收經濟學、國家稅收、納稅評估等
  (1) 李軍波,蔡偉賢,王迎春. 企業成長理論研究綜述,湘潭大學學報(社會科學版),2011(6):19-24.(CSSCI檢索)
  (2)nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC2011), EI Citation.
 ?。?) 蔡偉賢,蔚建國,郭連珠. 政府公共支出對居民消費需求的影響研究,財政研究,2011(6):26-29.(CSSCI檢索)
  (4) 王璽,蔡偉賢,唐文倩. 構建我國新能源產業稅收政策體系研究,稅務研究,2011(5):11-15.(CSSCI檢索)
 ?。?) Cai, Weixian. A Research on Decentralization and Economic Growth, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2011), Vol 6: 3491-3494, 2011. ISTP & ISSHP Citation.
   (6) 蔡偉賢,王郅強,何帥. 建立擴大內需長效機制的財稅政策研究,國民經濟管理(人大復印資料全文轉載),2011(5):36-40.
   (7) 蔡偉賢,王郅強,何帥. 建立擴大內需長效機制的財稅政策研究,稅務研究,2011(2):19-23.(CSSCI檢索)
   (8) 蔡偉賢. “納稅評估”教學方式探析,《廈門大學學報》(哲社版),2010(7):53-57.(CSSCI檢索)
   (9) 王璽,蔡偉賢,. 我國地方基礎設施發展趨勢及成因分析,財政研究,2010(10):35-40.(CSSCI檢索)
   (10) Cai, Weixian. Expenditure & Tax Competition in China Local Governments, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management (ICPEM2009), Vol 1: 117-120, 2009. ISSHP Citation.
   (11) 劉青海,張志超,蔡偉賢. 本土市場效應、空間政策和就業增長,財經科學,2009(6):55-62.(CSSCI檢索)
   (12) 蔡偉賢,陳雅萍,劉青海. 財政分權、公共支出競爭與中國FDI集聚,全國博士生學術論壇一等獎獲獎論文(三篇一等獎論文中排名第一),中國社科院主辦,載《全國博士生學術論壇優秀文集》,社會科學文獻出版社,2009年8月。
   (13) 蔡偉賢. 我國地方政府偏重基礎設施投入的原因及其影響,中國經濟問題,2009(2):78-80. (CSSCI檢索)
   (14) 蔡偉賢,蹤家峰. 外商投資、貿易開放度與中國財政支出結構,財經研究,2008(8):88-96.(CSSCI檢索)
   (15) 蹤家峰,蔡偉賢. 中國地方財政支出趨同研究,財貿經濟,2008(7):41-45.(CSSCI檢索)
   (16) 顧青,蔡偉賢. 企業資源的演進與服務業企業內部利益的分配,求索,2008(7):32-34.(CSSCI檢索)
   (17) 陳雅萍,蔡偉賢. 論交易效率對分工演進的影響,經濟問題,2008(5):13-16.(CSSCI檢索)
   (18) 陳雅萍,蔡偉賢. 基礎設施投資與經濟增長關系研究的最新進展,中國國情國力,2008(5):13-16.(CSSCI檢索)
   (19) 湛泳,蔡偉賢. 投資效率、消費率與我國經濟持續增長,求索,2006(10):28-30.(CSSCI檢索)
   (20) 蔡偉賢. 投資效率與提高我國消費率,湘潭大學學報(哲社版),2005(7):4-8.(CSSCI檢索)
   (1) 主持國家自然科學基金青年項目一項,編號:71103151,題目:“策略性公共政策對居民消費、國內需求和經濟發展的影響研究”,立項時間:2012年1月,在研,研究經費:22萬。
   (2) 主持福建省科技廳軟科學項目一項,題目:“閩臺科技合作戰略研究”,立項時間:2012年4月,在研,研究經費:4萬。
   (3) 主持福建省社科規劃一般項目一項,編號:2011B222,題目:“閩臺產業對接的途徑與策略研究”,立項時間:2011年8月,在研,研究經費:1.5萬。
   (4) 主持福建省發改委委托課題一項,題目:“福建省全方位促進就業增長的對策研究”,立項時間:2009年9月,已結題,研究經費:4萬。
   (5) 主持泉州市發改委委托課題一項,題目:“泉州市居民消費結構升級以及擴大消費的對策研究”,立項時間:2009年12月,已結題,研究經費:4萬。
   (6) 主持廈門市社科聯委托項目一項,題目:“《廈門經濟社會發展藍皮書》之思明區經濟運行情況分析及預測”, 立項時間:2009年12月,已結題,研究經費:0.2萬。
   (7) 參與國家自然科學基金青年項目一項(排名第三),編號:71003058,題目:“公共投資對私人投資、國內需求的作用機制研究和效果評價”,立項時間:2011年1月,在研,研究經費:18萬。
   (8) 參與教育部人文社科青年項目一項(排名第二),編號:12YJC790263,題目:“非生產性公共支出對中低收入居民實際收入和福利水平的影響研究”,立項時間:2012年1月,在研,研究經費7萬。
   (9) 參與國家社會科學基金一般項目一項(排名第四),編號:06BGJ015,題目:“基于契約理論的國際金融衍生品交易治理機制研究”,立項時間:2007年1月,已結題,研究經費:8萬。
   (10) 參與國家出國留學基金委一般項目一項(排名第五),編號:教外司留(2006)331號,題目:“以資源為基礎的服務業跨國公司發展研究”,立項時間:2006年1月,已結題,研究經費:4萬。
  Name: Weixian Cai Research Field: Public Economics, Spatial Economics, Economic Growth.
  Contact Information
  Email: wxcai@xmu.edu.cn
  Address: Department of Public Economics, School of Economics,
  Xiamen University, Siming South Road 422#, Xiamen, Fujian, P. R. China, 361005
  Support Staff: Ms. Zheng Jin-zhu, Phone: 86-05922183387, Email: czx@xmu.edu.cn
  Educational Background
  PHD in Economics, Xiamen University, China, June 2009
  Master in Economics, Xiangtan University, China, June 2006
  Bachelor in Economics, Xiangtan University, China, June 2003
  Chinese and English. A good command of both spoken and written English
     2009.7- Department of Public Economics, School of Economics, Xiamen University
  Microeconomics for undergraduate students & postgraduate students
  Econometrics for undergraduate students & postgraduate students
  The Economics of Taxation for undergraduate students & postgraduate students
  Tax assessment for undergraduate students
  (1) Weixian Cai , Does Local Government Competition can Promote Economic Growth in China:Based on Spatial Panel Model, Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Forthcoming.
 ?。?) Junbo Li, Weixian Cai, Yingchun Wang. A Literature Review on the Theory of Firm Growth. Journal of Xiangtan University( Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2011. Vol. 35 No. 6, 19-25.
  (3) Weixian Cai, Jing Zhang. Openness and Growth: the Case of Transition Countries, 2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC2011), EI Citation.
 ?。?) Weixian Cai, Jianguo Yu, Lianzhu Guo, A Research about the Impact of Public Expenditure on Residential Consumption demand in China, Public Finance Research, 2011. No.6, 26-29.
 ?。?) Xi Wang, Weixian Cai, Wenqian Tang, Building a Tax Policy System for New Energy Industry, Taxation Research, 2011, No. 2, 11-15.
 ?。?) Weixian Cai. A Research on Decentralization and Economic Growth, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2011), Vol 6: 3491-3494, 2011. ISTP & ISSHP Citation.
  (7) Weixian Cai, Zhiqiang Wang, Shuai He. A Research on the Public Policy to Promote Domestic Consumption Demand, Managemetn of National Economy, 2011, No. 5, 36-40.
  (8) Weixian Cai, Zhiqiang Wang, Shuai He. A Research on the Public Policy to Promote Domestic Consumption Demand, Taxation Research, 2011, No. 2, 19-23.
  (9) Weixian Cai, A research into the teaching method on tax assessment. Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), 2010, No. 7, 53-57.
     (10) Wang Xi, Weixian Cai , Peng Jiang. The Trend of Local Infrastructure Construction in China and the Cause Analysis, Public Finance Research, 2010, No. 10, 35-40.
 ?。?1) Weixian Cai. Expenditure & Tax Competition in China Local Governments, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management (ICPEM2009), Vol 1: 117-120, 2009. ISSHP Citation.
  (12) Qinghai Liu, Zhichao Zhang, Weixian Cai,. Home market effect, spatial economic policies and employment increase: on the perspective of new economic geography, Finance and Economics. 2009, No. 6, 55-62.
  (13) Weixian Cai . The Causes and Impacts of China Local Government's Emphasis on Infrastructure Investment, Economic Issues in China. 2009, No. 2, 78-82.
 ?。?4) Weixian Cai, Jiafeng Zong. FDI, Trade Openness and Fiscal Expenditure Structure in China, Journal of Finance and Economics. 2008, No. 8, 88-96.
 ?。?5) Jiafeng Zong, Weixian Cai. A Research on the Convergence of local public expenditure in China, Finance and Trade Economics. 2008, No. 7, 41-48.
  (16) Gu Qing, Weixian Cai. The Evolution of Enterprise Resources and Profit Distribution, Seek. 2008, No. 7, 32-36.
  (17) Yaping Chen, Weixian Cai. Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth in China, China National Conditions and Strength. 2008, No. 5, 26-30.
  (18) Yaping Chen, Weixian Cai. A Research on the Impact of Transaction Efficiency on the Evolution of the Division of Labor, Economic Problems. 2008, No. 5, 13-16.
 ?。?9) Weixian Cai, Yong Zhan. Investment Efficiency, Consumption Rate and Long-Run Economic Growth in China, Seek. 2006, No. 10, 28-32.
  (20) Weixian Cai. Investment Efficiency and Consumption Rate Promotion in China, Journal of Xiangtan University in Philosophy and Social Sciences. 2005, No. 5, 4-8.
    Funded Research
   (1) A research on the impact of strategical public policy on residential consumption, domestic demand and economic development, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.1-2014.12 (¥320,000)
   (2) A research into the strategy on scientific & technological cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, supported by Fujian Provincial Department of Science & Technology, 2012.8-2014.7 (¥40,000).
   (3) A research on the strategies of the industrial connection between Fujian and Taiwan, supported by Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, 2011.9-2012.8 (¥15,000)
   (4) A research on the strategies about employement improvement in Fujian, supported by Fujian Development and Reform Commission, 2009.12-2010.12 (¥40,000)
    (5) Residential consumption structure and domestic consumption promotion in Quanzhou, supported by Quanzhou Development and Reform Commission, 2009.10-2010.9 (¥40,000)
   (2)Openness and Growth: the Case of Transition Countries,EI檢索,2011年08月
  ?。?)A Research on Decentralization and Economic Growth,ISTP & ISSHP 雙檢索,2011年04月
   (8)Expenditure & Tax Competition in China Local Governments,Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on public economics and management (ICPEM2009),2010年07月




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