
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


廈門大學生物學系導師:丁鳳 正文


  Email: dingf@xmu.edu.cn

  1998年獲得 美國匹茲堡大學生物科學系, HHMI , 博士學位。
  1998~2002 美國匹茲堡大學 博士后, 2000-2002 兼職匹茲堡大學轉基因小鼠實驗中心技術總管。
  2002-2008 美國斯坦福大學醫學院遺傳學系 博士后。
  2009- 廈門大學生命科學學院 副教授。

  1993 B.S., Tsinghua University. 1998 Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, department of Biological Science and Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 1998-2002, postdoctoral fellow, University of Pittsburgh. 2000-2002 Technical director of Transgenic and Knock out mouse facility, University of Pittsburgh. 2002-2008 Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University, School of Medicine, Department of Genetics. 2009- Associate professor, Xiamen University, School of Life Sciences.

  主要研究方向 (Research area)
利用小鼠模型和生化方法來研究人類的疾病,并且籍此探究激素的調控、食欲和代謝的調節、基因銘記的機理(genomic imprinting), 以及非蛋白編碼(non-coding)RNA的功能。研究的重點是Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), 這是最常見的因遺傳而引起的肥胖癥。
非蛋白編碼RNA Snord116 基因敲掉(Knock-out)小鼠是PWS的模型,我們發現它們呈現有嚴重的生長發育遲緩,運動技能的學習障礙,以及過度進食等癥狀, 并且,和PWS病人一樣, Snord116-deletion 小鼠血液中有高濃度的“饑餓激素” ghrelin。

  1.探究Snord116-deletion 小鼠過度進食的根源,及調控正常進食行為的機制.
  (1) 通過阻斷ghrelin信號通路,探索貪食癥的治療方法。
  (2)建立熒光蛋白GFP標記系統來研究ghrelin 的合成與分泌的調控機制. 并以這一系統為平臺,篩選調節激素分泌和調控食欲的新型藥物。
  2.利用生化方法,研究和Snord116形成絡合物的未知RNA 和蛋白質。進一步研究這些對生長發育和進食行為的調控。
  3. 利用iRNA library,系統性地篩查并發現調控PWS區域epigenetic silencing的關鍵因子.

  Research Area:
We use mouse models and biochemical methods to study human genetic disease, and to gain insight into the regulatory mechanisms of gastrointestinal hormone secretion, appetite and metabolism control,and to develop effective therapeutic interventions for obesity and eating disorders.
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is the leading genetic cause of obesity. Non-coding RNA Snord116 deletion mouse model of PWS exhibits growth retardation, motor learning deficiency, hyperphagia, as well as greatly increased secretion of appetite-promoting peptide, ghrelin,
  Future research will focus on:
  1. Study of ghrelin signaling pathway, and the development of GFP knock-in mice to investigate the control mechanism of ghrelin synthesis and secretion, as well as the abnormalities in PWS mouse models. We’ll utilize this platform to screen for potential drugs that regulate hormone production and appetite.
  2. Biochemical study of the function of non-coding RNA Snord116.
  3. Systematic screen for essential factors for epigenetic silencing of imprinted genes at PWS loci by RNAi technology.

  Research Articles
 Ding F, Li HH, Li J, Myers RM, Francke U. Neonatal Starvation Response and Developmental Changes in Gene Expression Revealed by Hypothalamic Gene Expression Profiling in Mice (Submitted)
  Li H-H, Roy M, Kuscuoglu U, Spencer CM, Halm B, Harrison KC, Bayle JH, Splendore A, Ding F, Meltzer LA, Wright E,, Paylor R, Deisseroth K, Francke U. Induced Chromosome Deletions Cause   Hypersociability and Other Features of Williams-Beuren Syndrome in Mice (In press, EMBO Molecular Medicine)
  Ding F, Li HH, Zhang S, Solomon NM, Camper SA, Francke U. SnoRNA Snord116 (Pwcr1/MBII-85) deletion causes growth retardation, motor learning deficiency, hyperphagia and elevated ghrelin levels in mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. PLoS ONE. 2008 Mar 5;3(3):e1709
  Press release: http://med.stanford.edu/news_releases/2008/march/prader-willi.html
Cirio MC, Ratnam S, Ding F, Reinhart B, Navara C, Chaillet JR. Preimplantation
expression of the somatic form of Dnmt1 suggests a role in the inheritance of genomic imprinting. BMC Developmental Biology 2008, 8:9
  Ding F, Prints Y, Dhar MS, Johnson DK, Garnacho-Montero C, Nicholls RD, Francke U. Lack of Pwcr1/MBII-85 snoRNA is critical for neonatal lethality in Prader-Willi syndrome mouse models. Mamm Genome. 2005 Jun;16(6):424-31.
  Ding F, Patel C, Ratnam S, McCarrey JR, Chaillet JR. Conservation of Dnmt1o cytosine methyltransferase in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica. Genesis. 2003 Aug;36(4):209-13.
  Ding F, Chaillet JR. In vivo stabilization of the Dnmt1 (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Nov 12;99(23):14861-6.
  Ratnam S, Mertineit C, Ding F, Howell CY, Clarke HJ, Bestor TH, Chaillet JR, Trasler JM. Dynamics of Dnmt1 methyltransferase expression and intracellular localization during oogenesis and   preimplantation development. Dev Biol. 2002 May 15;245(2):304-14.
  Howell CY, Bestor TH, Ding F, Latham KE, Mertineit C, Trasler JM, Chaillet JR.Genomic imprinting disrupted by a maternal effect mutation in the Dnmt1 gene.Cell. 2001 Mar 23;104(6):829-38.
  Ding F and Grabowski PJ, Identification of a protein component of a mammalian tRNASec complex implicated in the decoding fo UGA as selenocysteine, RNA, 1999, 5, 1561-1569
  Ding F, Hagan JP, Wang Z, and Grabowski PJ, Biochemical properties of a novel U2AF65 protein isoform generated by alternative RNA splicing, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1996, 224, 675-683.
  Gong Y, Ding F, Li F, and Zhao N, Phospholipase C induced membrane fusion, Acta Biophysica Sinica, 1996, 12, (1), 43-50.




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