
發布時間:2021-11-10 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


西華大學數學與計算機學院導師:裴崢 正文

  姓名:裴崢 性別:男 出生年月:1968年3月
  職稱:教授 學院:數學與計算機學院
  裴崢, 男,1968年3月生,博士,教授(三級),2004年5月西南交通大學電氣學院電氣工程博士后站出站,2004年5月到西華大學任教,2005年12月破格晉升為教授。
  主要從事不確定性推理、邏輯代數,智能信息處理理論與方法的研究。實際參與國家自然科學基金項目3項,主持省部級項目1項,主研省部級項目1項,發表科研論文70余篇,其中,SCI檢索11篇(引用次數累計達60余次),EI檢索50余篇,出版專著一部,四川省學術和技術帶頭人后備人選,《Information Sciences》和《模糊系統與數學》雜志的審稿人。
  1. Z. Pei(裴崢), X. Liu, L. Zou, Extracting association rules based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 6(6)2567-2580.
  2. Z. Pei(裴崢), D. Ruan, J. Liu, Y. Xu (Eds.), Linguistic Values based Intelligent Information Processing: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Atlantis Press/ World Scientific, 2009.
  3. Z. Pei(裴崢), Y. Xu, D. Ruan, K. Qin, Extracting complex linguistic data summaries from personnel database via simple linguistic aggregations, Information Sciences 179 (2009) 2325–2332.
  4. Z. Pei(裴崢), G. Resconi, A. J. Van Der Wal, K. Qin, Y. Xu, Interpreting and extracting fuzzy decision rules from fuzzy information systems and their inference, Information Sciences 176 (2006) 1869-1897.
  5. Z. Pei(裴崢), D. Ruan, Y. Xu, Handling linguistic information on internet based on multi-agent system, International Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (2007) 435-453.
  6. L. Zou, Z. Pei(裴崢), X. Liu, Y. Xu, Semantics of linguistic truth-valued intuitionistic fuzzy proposition calculus, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 5 (12) (2009) 4745-4752.
  7. Z. Pei(裴崢), Fuzzy risk analysis based on linguistic information fusion, ICIC Express Letters 3 (3A) (2009) 325–330.
  8. K. Qin, J. Yang, Z. Pei(裴崢), Generalized rough sets based on reflexive and transitive relations, Information Sciences 178(21) (2008) 4138-4141。
  9. L. Zou, D. Ruan, Z. Pei(裴崢), Y. Xu, A linguistic truth-valued reasoning approach in decision making with incomparable information, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 19 (4-5) (2008) 335-343.
  10. K.Qin, Z. Pei(裴崢), On the topological properties of fuzzy-rough sets, Fuzzy sets and systems 151(3) (2005) 601-613.
  11. F. Hao, Z. Pei(裴崢), A Method of Determining the Secondary Exponential Smoothing Parameter Based on OWA, ECTI Transactions On Electrical Eng., Electronics, And Communications l5 (2) (2007) 53-56.
  12. L. Chen, T. Huang, Z. Song, Z. Pei(裴崢), Formal Concept Analysis Based on Set-valued Mapping, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 23(3) (2008) 390-396.
  13. 裴崢,秦克云,基于模態邏輯的決策規則生成與證據合成,自然科學進展,Vol.14, No.4 (2004) 501-508.
  14. 裴崢,秦克云,粗糙集的直覺模糊特殊集表示及其在屬性約簡中的應用,模式識別與人工智能,Vol. 17, 3(2004)262-266.
  15. 裴崢,秦克云, 基于概率信息系統中擴展決策規則的R0三I決策推理, 系統工程學報, Vol.20, No. 3 (2005) 250-255.
  16. 謝潤,裴崢, 屬性添加情況下的概念格重構算法, 系統工程學報, Vol 22 (4) (2007) 426-431.
  17. Z. Pei (裴崢), Y. Du, L. Yi, Y. Xu, Obtaining a complex linguistic data summaries from database based on a new linguistic aggregation operator, LNCS 3512, 2005, pp:771-778.
  18. 秦克云,裴崢,杜衛鋒,粗糙近似算子的拓撲性質,系統工程學報,Vol.21, No.1(2006) 81-85.
  19. 裴崢,杜亞軍,伊良忠,概率信息系統中擴展決策規則的決策推理,西南交通大學學報41(1) (2006) 131-134.
  20. Z. Pei (裴崢), Yang Xu,lattice implication algebra model of kind of linguistic terms and its inference, Proceeding of the 6th international FLINS conference, World Scientific, pp: 93-98, 2004.
  21. 秦克云,裴崢, 基于Lukasiewicz蘊涵算子的反向三I算法, 模糊系統與數學, Vol.19, No. 2 (2005) 1-5.
  22. Z. Pei (裴崢), Keyun Qin, Topological space for attributes set of a formal context, LNAI 4481, RSKT2007, pp: 460-467.
  23. Z. Pei (裴崢),The algebraic properties of linguistic value truth and its reasoning, LNAI 4529, IFSA2007, pp: 436-444.
  24. Z. Pei (裴崢),Representation of rough sets based on intuitionistic fuzzy special sets, LNAI 4529, IFSA2007, pp:114 -121.
  25. L. Zhang, Z. Pei (裴崢), H. Chen, Extracting fuzzy linguistic summaries based on including degree theory and FCA, LNAI 4529, IFSA2007, pp: 273 -283.
  26. Z. Pei(裴崢), B. Jiang, L. Yi, Y. Xu, Semantics properties of compound evalu- ating syntagms, Advances in soft computing 42, Springer, 2007, pp:822-831.
  27. Z. Pei (裴崢), A formalism to extract fuzzy if-then rules from numerical data using genetic algorithm, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy systems, pp: 143-147.
  28. Z. Pei(裴崢), L. Yi, A new aggregation operator of linguistic information and its properties, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Granular computing, pp: 486-489.




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