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中山大學政務學院導師:葉林 正文

  姓名:葉林   性別:男  職稱:副教授  
  學院:政務學院   最后學歷:博士


美國路易維爾大學城市與公共事務博士(2006年)導師:Professor Hank V. Savitch

主講課程: 研究設計、基礎統計、城市管理理論與實踐、市政管理


《美國公共管理學會》會員; 《美國城市事務學會》會員
《國際中國規劃學會》會員; 《國際中國政治研究學會》會員


Urban Sprawl, Amenities, and Quality of Life: Cities in the Twenty-first Century
德國VDM Verlag Dr. Müller出版社2008年出版


1.葉林. 找回政府:“后新公共管理”視闋下的區域治理探索. 《學術研究》2012年第5期
2.葉林、陳瑞蓮. 全球化視野下的中國區域發展研究. 《學術研究》2012年第3期
3.Lin Ye. 2011. Demographic Transition, Developmentalism and Social Security in China. Social Policy and Administration, 45(6), 678-693. (SSCI)
4.葉林. 2011. 構建服務型的中國城市治理研究. 《編制管理研究》2011第5期,38-42.
5.黃錦榮、葉林. 2011. 公共服務“逆向合同承包”的制度選擇邏輯—以廣州市環衛服務為例. 《公共行政評論》2011年第5期,100-120頁.
6.Lin Ye. 2011. Urban Regeneration in China: Policy, Development, and Issues. Local Economy, 26(5), 337-347.
7.Lin Ye. 2011. Metropolitan Region and Governance in the Pearl River Delta. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Public Administration, 399-404.
8.Lin Ye. 2011. Mega-city and Regional Planning and Development in the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Proceedings of the 5th International Association of China Planning Conference.
9.葉林. 超越國家與市場:第三條道路—對話奧斯特羅姆(整理). 《公共行政評論》2011年第3期,1-14頁.
10.葉林. 新區域主義的興起與發展:一個綜述. 《公共行政評論》2010年第3期,175-189頁.
11.Jian Sun and Lin Ye. 2010. Mega-events, Local Economies, and Global Status: What Happened before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 39(2), 133-165.
12.Lin Ye. 2009. Regional Government and Governance in China and the United States. Public Administration Review, December, S116-S121. (SSCI)
13.Savitch, H.V., Ronald K. Vogel, and Lin Ye. 2010. Beyond The Rhetoric: Lessons from Louisville’s Consolidation. American Review of Public Administration, 40(1), 3-28. (SSCI)
14.Lin Ye, Jian Sun, and Xiaochuan Wu. 2009. Toward Successful Overseas Training for Chinese Public Officials. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 15(2), 203-218.
15.Gilderbloom, J.I., Lin Ye, M. J. Hanka, and Kareem M. Usher. 2009. Inter-city Rent Differentials in the U.S. Housing Market 2000: Understanding Rent Variations as a Sociological Phenomenon. Journal of Urban Affairs, 31(4), 409-430.(SSCI)
16.Lin Ye. 2008. Regional Strategies for China’s Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Public Administration, 411-419.
17.Lin Ye. 2008. Tourism and China’s Development. Review Essay. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(1), 150-151. (SSCI書評)
18.John Gilderbloom and Lin Ye. 2007. Thirty Years of Rent Control: A Survey of New Jersey Cities. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29(2), 207-220. (SSCI)
19.Lin Ye, Sumedha Mandpe, and Peter B. Meyer. 2005. What is “Smart Growth”—Really? Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315. (SSCI)
20.John Gilderbloom, Zhenfeng "Terry" Pan, and Lin Ye. 2005. The Worsening National Nursing Home Crisis. Practicing Planner, 3(2), 1-3.
21.Lin Ye. 2004. The MPA Curriculum Development in China: Learning from the American Theories and Practices. China Public Administration Review, 2(3/4), 46-53.


1.Lin Ye. 2011. Pensions. Entry in Paul Quirk and William Cunion (Eds.) Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Government. New York, NY: Facts-on-File.
2.Lin Ye. 2011. Developing a PAYGO Social Security System in China: Retrospect and Prospect. In Zhiqun Zhu (Ed.) The People’s Republic of China Today: Internal and External Challenges, 199-212. World Scientific Publishing.
3.Lin Ye. 2010. China's Healthcare System Reform: Development, Issues, and Prospects. In Baogang Guo and Dennis Hickey (Eds.) Toward Better Governance in China: an Unconventional Pathway of Political Reform, 89-102. Rowman & Littlefield.
4.Lin Ye. 2009. Review of Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo (Eds.). Journal of Chinese Political Science. 14(2), 217-218.
5.Savitch, H.V., Ronald K. Vogel, and Lin Ye. 2009. Louisville Transformed: A Survey of a City Before and After Merger. In Don Phares (Ed.) Governing Metropolitan Regions in the Twenty-First Century, 164-184. M.E. Sharpe.
6.Lin Ye and Savitch, H.V. 2008. Municipal Government. Entry in Michael A. Genovese and Lori C. Han (Eds.) Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics, 941-944. New York, NY: Facts-on-File.
7.Gilderbloom, J.I. and Lin Ye. 2008. Pros and Cons of Rent Control. In Gilderbloom, J.I. (Ed.) Invisible City: Housing Opportunities for Everyone, 67-101. University of Texas Press.



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