![中山大學管理學院會計系導師:柯濱 中山大學管理學院會計系導師:柯濱](https://img.okaoyan.com/public/10.jpg)
中山大學管理學院會計系導師:柯濱 正文
Pennsylvania State University; PhD - Michigan State University
BA - The Institute of International Relations, China; MS -
06/2010-present Professor, Division of Accounting, Nanyang Technological University
07/2009-12/2010 Professor, Department of Accounting, Penn State University
07/2003-06/2009 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Penn State University
07/1999-06/2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Penn State University
08/1995-06/1999 Teaching and research assistant, Michigan State University
08/1992-06/1994 Research assistant, Penn State University
Bin Ke, Kathy Petroni, and Yong Yu. (2008). The effect of Regulation FD on transient institutional investorsa€? trading behavior. Journal of Accounting Research, 46(4), 853-883.
Steven Huddart, Bin Ke, Charles Shi. (2007). Jeopardy, Non-Public Information, and Insider Trading Around SEC 10-K and 10-Q Filings. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 43, 3-36.
Steven Huddart, Bin Ke. (2007). Information asymmetry and cross-sectional determinants of insider trading. Contemporary Accounting Research, 24(1), 195-232.
Jere Francis, Bin Ke. (2006). Non-audit fee disclosures and the market valuation of earnings surprises. Review of Accounting Studies, 11(4), 495-523.
Bin Ke, Yong Yu. (2006). The effect of Regulation FD on transient institutional investors’ trading behavior. Journal of Accounting Research, 2008, 46 (4), 853-883.
Bin Ke, Santhosh Ramalingegowda. (2005). Do Institutional investors exploit the post-earnings announcement drift?. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 39(1), 25-53.
Bin Ke, Kathy Petroni. (2004). How informed are actively trading institutional investors? Evidence from their trading behavior before a break in a string of consecutive earnings increases. Journal of Accounting Research, 42(5), 895-927.
Bin Ke. (2004). Discussion of a€?How Banksa€? Value-at-Risk Disclosures Predict their Total and Priced Risk: Effects of Bank Technical Sophistication and Learning over Time,a€?. Review of Accounting Studies, 9(2-3), 295-299.
Bin Ke, Steven Huddart, Kathy Petroni. (2003). What insiders know about future earnings and how they use it: evidence from insider trades. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 35(3), 315-346.
Charles Enis, Bin Ke. (2003). The Impact of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Income Shifting from Corporate to Shareholder Tax Bases: Evidence from the Motor Carrier Industry. Journal of Accounting Research, 41(1), 65-88.
Anne Beatty, Bin Ke, Kathy Petroni. (2002). Differential Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Declines Across Publicly and Privately-held Banks. The Accounting Review, 77(3), 547-570.
Bin Ke. (2001). Taxes as a Determinant of Managerial Compensation in Privately Held Insurance Companies. The Accounting Review, 76(4), 655-674.
Bin Ke, Kathy Petroni, Doug Shackelford. (2000). The Impact of State Taxes on Self-Insurance. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 30(1), 99-122.
Bin Ke, Kathy Petroni, Assem Safieddine. (1999). Ownership Concentration and Sensitivity of Executive Pay to Accounting Performance Measures: Evidence from Publicly and Privately-Held Insurance Companies. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 28(2), 185-209.
Bin Ke, Edmund Outslay, Kathy Petroni. (1998). Taxes as a Determinant of Foreign-Owned Property-Liability Insurersa€? Investment Strategies in the United States. Journal of the American Taxation Association, 20, 25-36.
1. Do Equity-Based Incentives Induce CEOs to Manage Earnings to Report Strings of Consecutive Earnings Increases?
2. The Effect of Investment Horizon on Institutional Investors’ Incentives to Acquire Private Information on Long-Term Earnings, with Santhosh Ramalingegowda and Yong Yu.
3. Why don’t analysts use their earnings forecasts in generating stock recommendations?, with Yong Yu.
4. Home country investor protection, ownership structure and cross-listed firms’ compliance with SOX-mandated internal control deficiency disclosures, with Guojin Gong and Yong Yu.
5. Informed trading by corporate executives and shareholder value, with Katherine Gunny and Tracey Zhang.
6. Does managerial stock option compensation increase shareholder value in state-controlled Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong?, with Zhihong Chen and Yuyan Guan.
7. Externalities of disclosure regulation: The case of Regulation Fair Disclosure, with Michael Crawley and Yong Yu.
8. Small Negative Earnings Surprises and Transient Institutions’ Trading Behavior, with Gang Hu and Yong Yu.
9. Does granting minority shareholders direct control over corporate decisions help reduce value decreasing corporate decisions in firms with concentrated share ownership? A natural experiment from China, coauthored with Zhihong Chen and Zhifeng Yang.
Editor, The Accounting Review, June 1, 2011-May 31, 2014
Associate editor, Asian Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2007-2010
Consulting editor, China Journal of Accounting Research, 2007-present
Editorial board member, Journal of American Taxation Association, 2002-2005
Editorial board member, The Accounting Review, 2004-present
Editorial board member, The International Journal of Accounting, 2008-present
Advisory board member, Accounting Research in China (English) published by the Accounting Society of China, 2009-present
Ad hoc reviewer for
American Accounting Association, Financial Accounting and Reporting Section
Financial Accounting and Reporting Section mid-year meeting
Hong Kong Government’s Research Grant Council
Contemporary Accounting Research
International Journal of Accounting
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of American Taxation Association
Journal of Finance
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics
Review of Accounting Studies
The Accounting Review
Member of the Program Committee for the First (2011) Journal of International Accounting
Research Conference (Xiamen, China)
AAA Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Selection Committee 2010-2011
Invited faculty panelist, the New Faculty Consortium (2009 and 2010), Leesburg, Virginia
Co-chair, the conference committee of the Inaugural Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of
North America research conference (Shanghai), 2008
Chair, the junior faculty mentoring program, the Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association
of North America, 2008, 2009
Director, Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America, 2010-2014
President, Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America, 2008/2009
President-Elect, Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America, 2007/2008
Member, the Competitive PhD Dissertation Award Committee, the International Symposium on Chinese firm management, National Taiwan University, 2007
Vice President, Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America, 2006/2007
Chair, the Competitive PhD Dissertation Award Committee, the 2nd International Symposium on
Chinese Accounting, Finance and Management, Cardiff University, 2006
Member, the 2003-2004 American Taxation Association Research Resources and Methodologies
Member, the 2003 Journal of American Taxation Association Conference Committee
Member, the 2002 American Taxation Association Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee
Invited Research Presentations
University of New South Whales
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xiamen University
National University of Singapore
Rochester University
Boston College
Boston University
Michigan State University
Xiamen University
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Accounting research conference organized by the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and
the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (keynote speaker)
The 9th International Symposium on Empirical Accounting Research in Xi’an (keynote speaker)
Nankai University
International Research Symposium on The Detection and Control of Accounting Fraud in Listed
Companies organized by the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (keynote speaker)
American University
University of Minnesota Annual Empirical Conference
University of Alberta
Georgetown University
Baruch College
Nanyang Technological University
Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative roundtable (online)
Cornell University
University of Kentucky
University of Oregon
City University of Hong Kong
Arizona State University
National University of Singapore
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Singapore Management University
Northwestern University
University of Houston
University of Missouri-Columbia
Texas Christian University
City University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Beijing University
Sun Yatsen University (China)
Nanyang Business School
University of Hong Kong
Seoul National University
American Accounting Association Annual meeting
Seventh Accounting and Finance Conference at Xiamen University
2007 Asian Finance Association Conference
5th China international empirical accounting research conference
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Washington University in St. Louis
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology summer symposium
The Inaugural Asia Pacific Corporate Governance Conference (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong University
2005 China International Conference in Finance (Kunming, China)
The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Nanyang Business School
Singapore Management University
The China Accounting Professors Association Annual Meeting (Beijing)
Contemporary Accounting Research Annual Conference
Georgia State University
University of Chicago
University of Colorado at Boulder
Ohio State University
Wharton School
UNC-Chapel Hill
London Business School
14th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting
Duke University
University Of Cincinnati
University Of California Los Angeles
Beijing University
The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
The Big 10+ Research Conference
University Of California-Berkeley
University Of Michigan
Michigan State University
Carnegie-Mellon University
George Washington University
Tsinghua University (China)
People’s University (China)
Fudan University (China)
The Shanghai National Accounting Institute (China)
Chang Jiang Scholar awarded by China’s Ministry of Education and
the Li Ka Shing Foundation 2010
Best paper award, the 2007 Asian Finance Association annual meeting 2007
Best paper award, the 5th China International Empirical Accounting Research Conference 2006
Andersen Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship 1998
Doctoral Scholarship Award, Department of Accounting, Michigan State University 1998
First Place, The First Graduate Student Research Recognition Competition,
Business/Social Science Section, Michigan State University 1998
Big Ten Doctoral Consortium Fellow 1998
Doctoral Internationalization Consortium in Accounting 1998
University Outstanding Student Award, the Institute of International Relations 1986-89
系 所: 會計學系
辦公電話: 暫無數據
手機號碼: 暫無數據
E-mail: KEBIN@ntu.edu.sg
詳細地址: 暫無數據
郭艷副教授碩士生導師學位學歷社會學博士,美國猶他州立大學經濟學碩士,復旦大學,經濟學碩士,南昌大學,學術簡歷副教授,中山大學公共衛生學院(中國,廣州),博士后研究員,美國韋…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
任澤舫教授碩士生導師學位學歷博士研究生學術簡歷任澤舫于年從原中山醫科大學公共衛生學院畢業,后留校從事流行病學和衛生學的教學與科研工作,至年月;在此期間,先后獲得了衛生毒理學…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
張晉昕副教授碩士生導師系主任學位學歷醫學博士(第四軍醫大學)學術簡歷年月天津大學生物醫學工程專業獲學士學位年月山西醫科大學流行病與衛生統計學專業獲碩士學位年月第四軍醫大學流…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
林愛華副教授碩士生導師學位學歷醫學碩士(中山醫科大學)學術簡歷年中南大學湘雅醫學院預防醫學專業學士學位年至今中山大學歷任助教,講師,副教授年中山大學衛生統計學專業碩士學位。…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
張彩霞副教授碩士生導師學位學歷博士研究生學術簡歷年本科畢業后,在衛生防疫部門工作了年。年中山大學公共衛生學院攻讀碩士學位,研究生畢業后留在中山大學公共衛生學院醫學統計與流行…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
劉小立主任醫師兼職碩導學位學歷碩士研究生學術簡歷同濟醫科大學公共衛生學院本科學生,獲醫學學士學位;同濟醫科大學公共衛生學院營養與食品衛生教研室教師,主要從事科研和教學工作;…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
張永慧主任醫師兼職碩導廣東省疾病預防控制中心主任學位學歷研究生碩士、學術簡歷年畢業于中山醫科大學預防醫學系取得營養學碩士研究生學位,年月年月赴新西蘭梅西大學進修食品營養與健…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
馬靜教授碩士生導師學位學歷碩士研究生學術簡歷年獲得碩士學位。現任中山大學公共衛生學院營養學系教授、碩士生導師。年月到年月在芬蘭大學進修學習,到在美國大學營養研究中心任。多年…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
馮翔副教授碩士生導師學位學歷醫學碩士(同濟醫科大學),在職博士(中山大學)研究生學術簡歷學習簡歷:同濟醫科大學公共衛生學院預防醫學專業醫學學士同濟醫科大學公共衛生學院營養與…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
楊燕副教授碩士生導師學位學歷博士(中山大學)學術簡歷,,山西醫科大學公共衛生學院預防醫學系本科獲醫學學士學位,,山西醫科大學公共衛生學院獲營養與食品衛生學碩士學位,,山西醫…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
楊杏芬教授碩士生導師廣東省疾病預防控制中心副主任學位學歷醫學博士學位研究生學歷學術簡歷中山醫學院衛生系本科畢業留校任教,先后獲醫學碩士和醫學博士學位,新加坡國立大學進修學習…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
王慶副教授碩士生導師學位學歷醫學博士研究生學術簡歷中山大學本科中山大學博士中山大學講師至今中山大學副教授研究方向分子、遺傳毒理學主要承擔與參加的課題主持的科研項目:、在化學…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
肖勇梅副教授碩士生導師系副主任學位學歷醫學博士研究生學術簡歷至今中山大學公共衛生學院助教講師副教授美國國家毒理研究中心訪問學者江西醫學院預防醫學系助教研究方向職業性有害因素…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
唐小江主任醫師碩士生導師學位學歷理學博士(中山大學生理學)醫學碩士(山西醫科大學衛生毒理學)醫學專科(江西省宜春醫學專科學校衛生系)學術簡歷唐小江,男,年月日生,江西永新人…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
廖新波主任醫師碩士生導師廣東省衛生廳副廳長廖新波,男,廣東臺山籍。性情率直而溫和,奉承信和為貴的處世信條。他在青山綠水的粵北山區韶關度過了少年時代,不俗古老的社會人文給他烙…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
耿慶山教授碩士生導師廣東省衛生廳副廳長兼保健局局長學位學歷博士研究生學術簡歷、年月至年月,博士研究生畢業后分配到廣東省人民醫院工作,先后被聘為心內科主治醫生、副主任醫師,歷…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
黃飛省衛生廳副廳長碩士生導師學位學歷中山大學高級工商管理碩士()學術簡歷、、華南師范大學中文系讀書、、廣東茂名教育學院中文系助教、、茂名市政府辦公室科長、、廣東省衛生廳人事…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
匡莉副教授碩士生導師學位學歷醫學碩士研究生學術簡歷年月月:受中山醫科大學基金資助,前往美國南加州大學醫學院研修衛生統計和衛生事業管理。年月年月中山大學附屬第二醫院從事醫院統…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
個人詳細介紹當前學術職稱副教授國籍中國教育背景,在清華大學經濟管理學院學習,獲得會計學博士學位。其間以訪問學生的身份在香港科技大學學習三個月。,在廈門大學學習,獲得會計學碩…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20
個人詳細介紹當前學術職稱副教授國籍中國教育背景:年,中山大學,企業管理(會計學)博士年,湖南財經學院,經濟學(會計學)碩士年,武漢工學院,管理工程學士學術經歷(評定各學術職…… 日期:10-05 閱讀量:20