
發布時間:2021-11-23 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


東莞理工學院機械工程學院:龍建宇 正文

龍建宇  副教授  
辦公室電話  Office Phone:
教育背景/經歷 Education 
2012.09-2017.06 重慶大學 博士生(直博)
2008.09-2012.07 重慶大學 本科生
工作經歷 Work Experience
2020.03-至今 東莞理工學院 副教授
2019.04-2020.02 東莞理工學院 講師
2017.06-2019.04 華南理工大學&東莞理工學院 博士后
2015.01-2016.01 美國佛羅里達大學 訪問學者
科研情況 Scientific
1. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:基于生產不確定性概率預測的車間多尺度實時魯棒調度方法研究,2019/01-2021/12,主持
2. 中國博士后科學基金面上基金一等資助項目: 數據驅動的煉鋼廠生產不確定性動態表征與實時魯棒調度,2018/03-2019/05,主持
3. 廣東省自然科學基金:大數據驅動的風力機剩余壽命預測與視情維修調度研究,2018/05-2021/04,主持
出版物 Publications
[1] Jianyu Long, Shaohui Zhang, Chuan Li, Evolving Deep Echo State Networks for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(7): 4928-4937. (IF: 9.122)
[2] Jianyu Long, Zhenzhong Sun, Panos M.Pardalos, Yun Bai, Shaohui Zhang, Chuan Li, A robust dynamic scheduling approach based on release time series forecasting for the steelmaking-continuous casting production, Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 92: 106271. (IF: 5.472)
[3] Jianyu Long, Zhenzhong Sun, Chuan Li, Ying Hong, Yun Bai, Shaohui Zhang, A Novel Sparse Echo Autoencoder Network for Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis of Delta 3-D Printers, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(3): 683-692. (IF: 3.658)
[4] Jianyu Long, Zhong Zheng, Xiaoqiang Gao, Panos M.Pardalos, Wanzhe Hu, An effective heuristic based on column generation for the two-dimensional three-stage steel plate cutting problem, Annals of Operations Research, 2020, 289: 291–311. (IF: 2.583)
[5] Jianyu Long, Jindong Mou, Liangwei Zhang, Shaohui Zhang, Chuan Li, Attitude data-based deep hybrid learning architecture for intelligent fault diagnosis of multi-joint industrial robots, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020. (IF: 5.105, In press)
[6] Jianyu Long, Zhenzhong Sun, Panos M.Pardalos, Ying Hong, Shaohui Zhang, Chuan Li, A hybrid multi-objective genetic local search algorithm for the prize-collecting vehicle routing problem, Information Sciences, 2019, 478: 40-61. (IF: 5.91)
[7] Jianyu Long, Zhong Zheng, Xiaoqiang Gao, Panos M.Pardalos, Scheduling a realistic hybrid flow shop with stage skipping and adjustable processing time in steel plants, Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 64: 536-549. (IF: 5.472)
[8] Jianyu Long, Zhenzhong Sun, Haibin Chen, Yun Bai, Ying Hong, Variable neighborhood search for integrated determination of charge batching and casting start time in steel plants, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2018, 34(6): 3821-3832. (IF: 1.851)
[9] Jianyu Long, Zhong Zheng, Xiaoqiang Gao, Dynamic scheduling in steelmaking-continuous casting production for continuous caster breakdown, International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(11): 3197-3216. (IF: 4.577)
[10] Jianyu Long, Zhong Zheng, Xiaoqiang Gao, Panos M.Pardalos, A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on NSGA-II for practical scheduling with release times in steel plants, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(9): 1184-1199. (IF: 2.175)


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