
發布時間:2021-11-23 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


東莞理工學院機械工程學院:陳磊 正文

陳磊  講師  
辦公室電話  Office Phone:
教育背景/經歷 Education 
2009.09-2015.03 中南大學  博士生
2006.09-2009.07 湘潭大學  碩士生
2001.09-2005.07 中南大學   本科生
工作經歷 Work Experience
2018.1至今 東莞理工學院  教師
2015.12-2017.12 復旦大學-南方科技大學 博士后
2015.4-2015.11 南方科技大學 Research Fellow
科研情況 Scientific
1. 微注射成型技術;2高分子納米復合材料
1. 2020年廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究基金項目:微注射成型中納米片對聚合物熔體壁面滑移的影響研究,主持
出版物 Publications
[1] Lei Chen, Dazhi Sun, Jin Li, etc.. Exfoliation of layered zirconium phosphate nanoplatelets by melt compounding. Materials and Design. 2017, 122: 247-254.
[2] He Zhang, Lei Chen, Xiao Han, et al.. Enhanced mechanical properties of Nylon6 nanocomposites containing pristine α-zirconium phosphate nanoplatelets of various sized by melt-compounding. RSC Advances. 2017, 7: 32682.
[3] Fan Lei, Junlong Yang, Bingyu Wu, Lei Chen, Dazhi Sun. Facile design and fabrication of highly transparent and hydrophobic coatings on glass with anti-scratch property via surface dewetting. Progress in Organic Coating. 2018, 120: 28-35
[4] Haoyang Sun, Feng Jiang, Fan Lei, Lei Chen, Dazhi Sun. Graphite fluoride reinforced PA6 composites: crystallization and mechanical properties. Materials Today Communication. 2018, 16: 217-225
[5] L Chen, S Kirchberg, B Y Jiang, etc.. Fabrication of long focal length plano-convex microlens array by combining micro milling and injection molding process. Applied Optics. 2014, 53(31): 7369-7380
[6] Chen Lei, Stefan Kirchberg, Jiang Bingyan, etc.. Replication, characterization and simulation of micro injection molded microlens arrays using technical amorphous polymers. Key Engineering Materials 2013, (562-565): 458-464
[7] S. Kirchberg, C. Lei, L. Xie, G. Ziegmann,et al.Replication of precise polymeric microlens array combining diamond turning and micro injection molding. Microsystem Technologies. 2012, 18(4): 459-465
[8] 國內發明:孫大陟,陳磊,一種層狀納米顆粒、剝離方法及應用,中國發明專利(已授權),專利號:201610128428.3


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