
發布時間:2020-05-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


遼寧工程技術大學電氣與控制工程學院控制工程專業學位的介紹 正文

工程領域代碼:085210 學分要求:32

 一、 工程領域概況(Introduction of Engineering Field)
控制工程于 2010 年獲得專業碩士學位授予權。本學科以工程領域內的控制系統為主要研究對象,以數學方法和計算機技術為主要工具,研究各種控制策略及控制系統的建模、分析和綜合設計方法。主要培養學生掌握現代控制工程基礎理論、方法和技術, 具有從事現代工業控制系統和裝置研究、設計、開發、管理的能力。現已形成 4 個穩定的研究方向:工業過程控制技術、節能型電力傳動控制技術、檢測技術與自動化裝置、人工智能與機器人控制技術。
本學科依托遼寧省科技創新團隊、遼寧省工程技術研究中心、遼寧省重點實驗室等科研平臺,先后承擔國家“863”、國家自然科學基金等國家級、省部級縱向科研項目 30項,橫向課題 11 項,獲省部級以上科技獎勵 30 項。發表學術論文 206 篇,出版省部級
規劃教材 8 部。現有教師 26 人,教授 6 人,副教授 13 人,講師 7 人,具有博士學位的教師 20 人,其中遼寧省特聘教授 1 人,遼寧省優秀人才 3 人。本學科在煤礦瓦斯的監控技術、復雜生產過程控制系統、交流電機高性能調速技術等方面已具有鮮明的學科優勢與特色,近 5 年已經培養 34 名研究生,為東北老工業基地的建設做出了一定的貢獻。
Control engineering obtained the right to grant a master's degree in engineering in 2010. Taking control systems in the engineering fields as the main objects and the mathematical methods and the computer technology as the main tools, the discipline studies various control strategies and the modeling, analysis and comprehensive design methods of control system. It mainly trains the students to master the basic theories, methods and techniques of modern control engineering, which makes the students obtain the ability to study, design, develop and manage modern industrial control systems and devices. Four stable research directions have formed by now:  industrial  process  control  technology,  energy-saving  power drive  control

technology, detection technology and automation device, artificial intelligence and robot control technology.
Based on scientific research platforms such as innovation team of Liaoning Province, engineering technical research center of Liaoning Province and the key laboratory of Liaoning Province, the reaerch team has successively undertaken 30 national, provincial and ministerial longitudinal projects and 11 horizontal projects including National 863 programs and National Natural Science Foundation programs, and won 30 science and technology awards at or above the provincial and ministerial level. The reaerch team published 206 papers and 8 provincial and ministerial level planning textbooks. There are 26 teachers, 6 professors, 13 associate professors, 7 lecturers, including 1 special professor of Liaoning province, 3 outstanding talents of Liaoning province and 20 teachers with a doctor's degree. The discipline has distinctive advantages and characteristics on coal mine gas monitoring technology, complex production process control system and high performance AC motor speed regulation technology and so on. In recent five years, the discipline has trained 34 graduate students who have made certain contribution to the construction of northeast old industrial base.

二、培養目標(Cultivation Objectives

本領域碩士生應掌握控制工程專業堅實寬廣的理論基礎、先進技術方法和現代技術手段,了解本領域的技術現狀和發展趨勢;具有獨立從事技術開發與應用、工程設計與實施、技術攻關與改造、工程規劃與管理的能力;注重本領域的工程研究、開發和應用, 主要為本領域涵蓋范圍的企事業單位培養適應社會主義現代化建設需要,基礎扎實、素質全面、工程實踐能力和創新能力強的應用研究型工程技術和工程管理人才。
The postgraduates in this field should master the solid and broad basic theory, advanced technology and approach and modern technical means of control engineering specialty, understand the technology status and development trends in this field. They should have ability to work independently in technology development and application, engineering design and implementation, technical tackling and retrofit, project planning and management. Focusing on engineering research, development and application in this field and mainly trained for the enterprises and institutions covering the scope of this field, they should meet the needs of socialist modernization, have a solid foundation and comprehensive quality,

engineering practice and innovation ability of the application for research engineering technology and engineering management.

三、培養要求(Cultivation Requirements

(1) 掌握馬克思主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想、科學發展觀及習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想理論,擁護黨的基本路線和方針、政策,熱愛祖國和人民,遵紀守法,品行端正,具有良好的職業道德和奉獻精神,積極為我國經濟建設和社會發展服務,身心健康。
(2) 掌握控制工程領域的堅實基礎理論和寬廣專業知識;掌握解決復雜工程問題的先進技術方法和現代技術手段;在本領域的某一方向具有獨立從事實際控制系統及裝置的開發與應用、工程管理等能力。
(3) 掌握一門外語,能夠順利閱讀本工程領域的科技資料和文獻,具有一定的外語寫作能力,可以進行國際學術交流。
(1) Graduates should understand and grasp of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, support the Party's basic line, principles, and policies, and respect the motherland and the people. The graduates should observe law and discipline and be capable of excellent professional ethics, spirit of dedication, physical and mental health, and actively serve for China’s economic construction and social development.
(2) Graduates should master the solid foundation theory and broad professional knowledge in the field of control engineering, grasp advanced technical methods and modern technical means to solve complex engineering problems, and have the ability to independently develop and apply the actual control systems and devices and project management capabilities in a certain direction of this field.
(3) Graduates should grasp one foreign language, read the scientific and technical materials and documents in this engineering field skillfully, have the ability to write in the foreign language, and can conduct international academic communication.

四、研究方向(Research Directions

名 稱
The Scope of Research Direction and Brief Account of the Characteristics
工業過程控制技術Industrial Process Control Technology
Industrial process modeling and computer advanced process control technology; Intelligent automation and optimization control technology; Optimal scheduling of industrial production and integrated automation system of enterprises,
節能型電力傳動控制技術Energy-saving Typed Power Transmission Control Technology 交流電機先進控制技術;電氣傳動系統節能技術;現代電力電子技術等
Advanced control technology of AC motor; Energy saving technology of electric transmission system; Modern power
electronics technology, etc.
檢測技術與自動化裝置Detection Technology and Automation Device
Coal mine safety monitoring technology; Microcomputer measuring and controlling device and system; Measurement and control system and diagnostic technology; Detection
technology and intelligent instrument, etc.
Artificial Intelligence and Robot Control
Pattern recognition and intelligent system; Robot control technology; Image processing techniques, etc.



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