
發(fā)布時間:2020-05-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


遼寧工程技術大學軟件學院軟件工程領域碩士研究生培養(yǎng)方案 正文


Cultivation Scheme of Software Engineering(Field)for Full-time Professional Master’s Degree

專業(yè)代碼:085212 學分要求:26
Specialty Code: 085212 Credit Requirement: 26
一、工程領域簡介(Introduction of Engineering Field)
軟件工程全日制碩士主要培養(yǎng)能運用先進的工程化方法、技術和工具從事軟件分析、設計、開發(fā)、維護以及項目組織與管理的高層次應用型軟件人才,可在產業(yè)與工程中從事應用研究和大型軟件工程的設計、開發(fā)與管理工作。我校于2011 年獲批軟件工程一級學科碩士學位授權點,2014 年獲批軟件工程專業(yè)學位
授權點。現有任課教師 66 人,其中專職教師 44 人。專職教師中具有博士學位的
15 人,在讀博士 7 人,碩士生導師 25 人;教授 5 人,副教授 15 人,高級工程
師 2 人,形成了以教授為學科及研究方向帶頭人,以副教授、博士為主體,以年輕教師為后備力量的學歷結構、知識結構、職稱結構合理的教師梯隊。學科團隊先后主持國家自然科學基金項目 4 項,參與國家自然科學基金項目 4 項,其它省
市級項目 30 余項。在國內外學術期刊及學術會議發(fā)表較高水平論文 150 余篇,
出版教材和學術專著 25 部,申請發(fā)明專利 5 項。學科團隊獲遼寧省科技進步一
等獎 2 項,遼寧省教學成果一等獎 1 項,遼寧省自然科學學術成果一等獎 1 項。擁有軟件工程省級實驗教學示范中心和軟件工程研究中心、數據科學與云計算研究中心和人工智能研究中心。學科在圖像與視覺信息計算、智能數據處理、軟件工程技術、嵌入式軟件和大數據與云計算等方面開展基礎性、應用性創(chuàng)新研究, 為區(qū)域經濟和行業(yè)發(fā)展提供技術與人才支持。
The master of software engineering full-time program aims at cultivating engineers skilled in using advanced engineering methods, techniques and tools to engage in software analysis, design, development, maintenance and project management, and in working in industry to perform large-scale software engineering design, development and management. Our school was authorized to confer master

degree of first-class discipline of software engineering in 2011, and to confer bachelor degree of software engineer in 2014. The school has 66 faculty members, 44 of which working full-time. The faculty team consists of 15 Ph.D.s, 7 Ph.D. candidates, 25 master supervisors, 5 professors, 15 associate professors, and 2 senior engineers. The teaching team framework is characterized by a reasonable academic, knowledge, and professional title structure, with professors as subjects and research leaders, associate professors and doctors as main bodies, and young teaching staffs as reserve forces. The team has successively overseen and participated in 8 projects of the National Science Foundation of China, and more than 30 provincial and municipal projects, published more than 150 high-level papers in domestic and foreign academic journals and academic conferences, published 25 textbooks and monographs, and applied for 5 invention patents. Moreover, the team has received 2 first prizes for scientific and technological progress in Liaoning Province, a first prize for teaching achievement in Liaoning Province, and a first prize for natural science academic achievement in Liaoning Province. The school has a provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration center for software engineering and a software engineering research center, a data science and cloud computing research center, and an artificial intelligence research center. The team conducts basic and applied innovation research in intelligent data processing, image and visual information computing, software engineering technology, embedded software, big data and cloud computing, and provides technical and talent support for regional economic and industrial development.

二、培養(yǎng)目標(Cultivation Objectives

The program aims at cultivating high-level application-oriented specialized talents who grasp theoretical knowledge in the field of software engineering, have the ability to solve practical problems, are able to undertake software engineering or management work, and have good professional qualities. Students are required to be familiar with new technologies and industry specifications in the field of software engineering, to have strong engineering practice capabilities and the ability to use

advanced engineering methods, techniques, and tools to perform software system analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance, and have project organization and management capabilities, team collaboration capabilities, technological innovation capabilities, and market development capabilities.

三、培養(yǎng)要求 (Cultivation Requirements)

(1) 較好地掌握馬克思主義、毛澤東思想和中國特色社會主義理論;擁護黨的基本路線、方針和政策;熱愛祖國;遵紀守法,具有良好的職業(yè)道德和創(chuàng)業(yè)精神,積極為我國經濟建設和社會發(fā)展服務。
Master Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Uphold the Communist Party’s basic line, principles, and policies. Love the motherland. Abide by the law, have good professional ethics and entrepreneurial spirit, and serve actively in China's economic construction and social development.
(2) 面向軟件產業(yè)和軟件工程領域需求,具有創(chuàng)新意識,具有運用先進技術方法和現代技術手段解決工程問題的能力,具有獨立從事軟件工程設計、開發(fā)、實施和管理等能力。
Facing the needs of the software industry and software engineering field, have a sense of innovation, the ability to use advanced technology methods and modern technology to solve engineering problems, and the ability to independently engage in software engineering design, development, implementation, and management.
(3) 較熟練地掌握一門外語,能閱讀專業(yè)外語資料。
Master a foreign language and be able to read professional materials in foreign languages.

四、研究方向(Research Orientation

名 稱
Scope of Research Orientation and Brief Account of Characteristic
圖像與視覺信息計算Image and visual information computing
Based on computer graphics and image processing technologies, this research orientation studies theories and techniques for acquiring, storing, displaying, analyzing and processing graphic images. Its main research contents include computer graphics, image processing,
computer vision and human-computer interaction technology.
2 智能數據處理 以人工智能和數據挖掘技術為基礎,研究數據智能、知識智能

  Intelligent data processing 和社會智能的相關理論和技術。其主要研究內容包括知識獲取方法、基于本體的知識的表示方法、知識轉化、運用和處理等。
Based on artificial intelligence and data mining technologies, this research orientation studies relevant theories and techniques of data intelligence, knowledge intelligence, and social intelligence. Its main research contents include knowledge acquisition methods, ontology-based knowledge representation methods, knowledge
transformation, application, processing and so on.
軟件工程技術Software engineering technology 研究軟件開發(fā)的基本原理和方法。其主要研究內容包括軟件需求工程、軟件體系結構、軟件開發(fā)技術、軟件測試技術等。
This research orientation studies basic principles and methods of software development. Its main research contents include software requirements engineering, software architecture, software development
technology, software testing technology and so on.
嵌入式軟件Embedded software technology 研究嵌入式軟件開發(fā)的基本原理和方法。其主要研究內容包括嵌入式操作系統、嵌入式應用軟件、嵌入式軟件工程理論等。
This research orientation studies basic principles and methods of embedded software development. Its main research contents include embedded operating system, embedded software, and embedded
software engineering theory and so on.
大數據與云計算Big data and cloud computing 研究面向服務的大數據技術架構原理和云計算平臺技術。其主要研究內容包括大數據存儲技術、數據倉庫與數據挖掘、分布式計算、云計算服務端技術等。
This research orientation studies principles of service-oriented big data technology architecture and cloud computing platform technologies. Its main research contents include big data storage technology, data warehouse and data mining, distributed computing,
cloud computing server technology and so on.
五、學制與學習年限(Duration of Schooling and Length of Schooling
(1) 采用全日制學習方式,學制一般為 2.5 年,學習年限最長不超過 4 年,
其中從事工程實踐時間為 6-12 個月。
Full-time training, the school system is generally 2.5 years, and the maximum training duration is no more than 4 years, of which the professional practice duration is 6-12 months.
(2) 全日制學生在第 1 學年學習理論課程,修滿規(guī)定的學分,在后 1.5 學年結合專業(yè)實踐,完成學位論文,參加畢業(yè)考核,畢業(yè)考核包含軟件工程項目實踐展示和學位論文答辯。
Take theory courses in the first academic year to obtain required amount of credits, complete dissertation by combining professional practice in the next 1.5

academic years, then participate in graduation assessments, and graduation assessments include software engineering project practice demonstrations and dissertation defenses.
(3) 培養(yǎng)方向包括圖像與視覺信息計算、智能數據處理、軟件工程技術、嵌入式軟件和大數據與云計算。
The training orientations include image and visual information computing, intelligent data processing, software engineering technology, embedded software technology and big data and cloud computing.

六、培養(yǎng)方式(Cultivation Mode)

The training combines curriculum learning, professional practice, and dissertation.
(1) 課程學習主要在校內完成,課程以職業(yè)需求為導向,以工程實踐能力為目標,以提高綜合素養(yǎng)為核心。內容上強調理論與應用的有機結合,突出案例分析和實踐研究;教學過程強調團隊學習、案例分析、現場研究、模擬訓練等方法;注重培養(yǎng)學生研究實踐問題的意識和能力。在學校學習的時間累計不少于 1 年,實行學分制管理。
The coursework is mainly given in school. Courses are based on professional needs, with the objective of professional practice ability, and the improvement of comprehensive quality as the core. The content emphasizes the organic combination of theory and application, and highlights case analysis and practical research. The teaching process emphasizes team learning, case analysis, on-site research, and simulation training; it focuses on cultivating students' awareness and ability to study practical problems. The training duration in school is not less than 1 year and a credit system is implemented.
(2) 專業(yè)實踐是重要的教學環(huán)節(jié),充分的、高質量的專業(yè)實踐是專業(yè)學位教育質量的重要保證。專業(yè)實踐在軟件企業(yè)或實習單位完成,時間一般為 6 個月, 采用集中實踐與分散實踐相結合的方式。實踐教學中要求聘請企業(yè)中有豐富經驗的軟件專家、技術人員,共同承擔研究生的培養(yǎng)工作。注重培養(yǎng)學生的實踐和創(chuàng)新能力,增長實際工作經驗,縮短就業(yè)適應期限,提高學生的專業(yè)素養(yǎng)及就業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)能力。
Professional practice is an important teaching link. Full and high-quality

professional practice is an important assurance for the quality of professional degree education. Professional practice is performed in software companies or by internships. The duration is generally six months. The combination of centralized practice and decentralized practice is used. The professional practice requires hiring software experts and technicians with rich experience in the enterprise to jointly undertake the cultivation of graduate students. Focus on cultivating students' practical and innovative capabilities, increase practical work experience, shorten employment adaptation period, and improve students' professional qualities in employment and entrepreneurship.
(3) 軟件工程專業(yè)碩士研究生的培養(yǎng)實行雙導師制,以校內導師指導為主, 校外導師參與實踐過程、項目研究、課程學習與論文撰寫等多個環(huán)節(jié)的指導工作。學位論文指導實行雙導師制,校內導師由相關學科具有副高級職稱以上教師擔任, 校外導師由企業(yè)和工程部門推薦的業(yè)務水平高、責任心強的具有高級技術職稱的 人員擔任。學位論文選題應來源于應用課題或現實問題,有明確的職業(yè)背景和行 業(yè)應用價值。
The training is conducted with a dual-tutoring system, with the guidance of the tutor in school, and the tutors outside school participate in the guiding work of the practice process, project research, course study, and thesis writing. The dissertation writing process also implements a dual-tutoring system. The school tutors are professors or associate professors of the relevant disciplines. The tutors outside school are staffed by senior and highly responsible professionals with high technical titles recommended by the enterprise and engineering departments. The topic of dissertations should come from applied topics or practical problems, with a clear professional background and industry application value.

七、課程設置與學分要求(Curriculum and Course Credits)

課程學習和實踐教學實行學分制。攻讀軟件工程碩士專業(yè)學位總學分不得低于 26 學分,必修課不超過 22 學分,實踐教學不計入總學分。課程設置包含政治理論、外語、數學和專業(yè)課。根據全日制軟件工程專業(yè)學位碩士研究生的特點, 確定課程的內容和學分,達到軟件工程專業(yè)碩士學位所應具備的知識結構和能力要求。
Curriculum learning and professional practice implement credit system. The total credit for a professional master's degree in software engineering must not be less than 26 credits, and the required course must not exceed 22 credits. Professional practice

does not count toward total credits. The curriculum includes political theory, foreign languages, mathematics and professional courses. According to the characteristics of full-time master candidate in software engineering, the content and creditsof the courses are determined to meet the knowledge structure and ability requirements for a professional master degree in software engineering.
(1) 公共課程
Public Course
(2) 基礎理論類課程
Basic theory courses
(3) 選修課程
Elective Courses


遼寧工程技術大學考研公眾號 考研派小站公眾號

