江西師范大學新聞與傳播學院 正文
學院樹立了“德育為先 素質為本 能力為重 實踐為用”的辦學理念,確立了“樂學善思、知行合一”的學風建設目標,構建了基于項目的學生創新實踐能力培養機制,形成了“以賽促學、以賽促教,賽學結合”的實踐教學理念,積極探討創新創意創業教育體系,學生課外科技活動成績突出。學生作品兩次獲得全國大學生廣告藝術大賽一等獎;學生攝制的紀錄片《郭慶棻》是第22屆北京大學生電影節入圍參加終評的22部影片之一,兩位同學在第十屆“科訊杯”國際大學生影視作品大賽中獲“2015年度大獎(全國只有一個)”和“BIRTV最佳紀錄片獎”;一位同學在首屆全國大學生經濟新聞大賽中獲專題報道類一等獎;一位同學在第二屆全國高校廉政文化作品大賽中獲網絡新媒體類作品一等獎,一位同學在全國首屆“中青·校媒獎學金”評選中,經過多層評審,成為全國10名獲獎者之一。
學院教育教學改革研究成果顯著, 學院開設了金牌記者實驗班、與廣州暨南大學新聞與傳播學院開展3+1協同育人項目,學生進校后,可以參加相應項目選拔。《基于模擬職業化訓練的新聞傳播類專業實踐教學模式研究與應用》和《以能力為主線,多向融通式的 “四元六化八制”新聞傳播人才培養模式》教改成果獲江西省教學成果一等獎。 學院以學生的成才、發展和就業為工作的出發點和落腳點,注重加強學生思想道德和科學文化素質培養,促進學生綜合素質的全面提高。學院多次被評為學生工作先進單位和就業工作先進單位。
學院地址: 江西省南昌市紫陽大道99號名達樓四區 郵政編碼:330022
院 訓: 求新博聞 惟真乃傳
辦院思想:教學興院 科研強院 質量立院 民主治院
辦學理念:德育為先 素質為本 能力為重 實踐為用
培養目標:培養“德智兼備、健康向上、手腦并用 善于傳播”的社會中堅骨干人才
工作作風:永葆激情 止于至善
教 風:樂教善導 為人師表
學 風:好學善思 知行合一
教師團隊形象:團結和諧 拼搏進取
教師個體形象:大氣 正氣 銳氣
The School of Communication at Jiangxi Normal University, formerly known as the Department of Education and Communication, was founded in 1985. The School was established at the request of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, proposed and supported by Professor Yu Yelu, the internationally renowned scholar of communication and the Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It offered programs in educational technology to all levels of educational institutions and trained talents for the design, development and maintenance of educational software. Since 1994, it extended its training program to journalism and communication, studying the relationship between communication and politics, economy, culture, society and human development. In 1996, it was renamed the Department of Communication. The name “the School of Communication” has been formally acknowledged at JXNU since 2000.
The School of Communication at Jiangxi Normal University is a member of a program launched by the State Ministry of Education and the Central Publicity Department, which aims at exchanges between universities and news media organizations. The School is the provincial base for innovative and excellent journalism education in Jiangxi. Besides, the School is member of well-known organizations as follows:
{C}l The Chinese Association for Hisitory of Journalism and Mass Communication
{C}l The Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art
{C}l The Chinese New Media Communication Association
It is the permanent member of:
{C}l The China Association of Communication
{C}l The China Advertising and Education Research Association
{C}l The Committee of Advertising of the China Higher Education Association
It is also the secretariat units of Jiangxi Provincial Communications Association and Advertising Committee of Advertising Association of Jiangxi Province and the organizer of the National Advertisement and Art Competition for College Students in Jiangxi province.
We offer five undergraduate programs: Journalism, Radio and Television Broadcasting, Advertising, Educational Technology, and Broadcasting and TV Editing. We offer an academic oriented master degree program of Educational Technology, and Journalism and Communication. We also offer a professional-oriented master degree program of Journalism and Communication, and Modern Education Technology. There is a doctorate degree program in Art and Culture Transmission. Educational Technology is the Brand major (provincially recognized major) in Jiangxi province. Advertising is a unique Brand major and was a pilot for reform in Jiangxi. The college is a significant base for Journalism and Communication talent training, theoretical research and business consultation. It is also the provincial center for personnel and teacher training, theoretical research and consulting of educational technology.
The faculty at the School of Communication is comprised of excellent scholars and industry professionals. There are 45 full-time teachers, of which seven are professors, 22 associate professors. 22 have doctoral degrees. Three won the title of the Young Academic Leaders at universities of Jiangxi, and five won the title of the Young Backbone Teachers in the universities of Jiangxi. Nine teachers have overseas study experience. In recent years, teachers in our college have made great achievements in scientific research. They have undertaken ten programs funded by the National Social Science Fund of China, two programs by the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of Ministry of Education, 25 provincial and 26 department-level scientific research projects. There are seven projects supported by commercial enterprises. They have published more than 200 academic papers, and 12 monographs and textbooks.
The School offers student excellent teaching facilities featuring advanced equipment and tools for learning and teaching. The School has a Media Center, offering students opportunities to work and study with advanced equipment and to participate in simulated projects. Besides, the School has rich research resources. There are 57 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals and more than 30,000 books in the College Library.
The School operates with the philosophy of “moral education prioritized, quality oriented, ability- focused and practice-based,” committed to fostering students to “enjoy study and think critically” and training students to put theory into action. Students have opportunities to participate in projects and various professional contests, so that they can learn by doing and learn through competition. Students have outstanding achievements in extracurricular scientific and technological activities. They won the first prize in the Advertising and Art Competition for National College Students twice. The documentary “Guo Qingfen” (a famous professor) filmed by students was a finalist in the 22nd Beijing University Student Film Festival. Two students won the “2015 Annual Awards” and “BIRTV Best Documentary Award” in the 10th “BIR” International Student Video Competition; one student won the first prize in the special report of the National College Economic News Competition. One student won the first prize in the Online New Media Works of the Second National College Anticorruption Culture Competition. One student became one of the ten winners in the “China Youth School Media Scholarship”.
The School has made remarkable achievements in its education and teaching reform; It has innovated talent training programs, such as the Gold Medal Journalist Experimental Class and the “3 +1” cooperative education projects with the Journalism and Communication School of Guangzhou Ji Nan University. Its teaching reform achievements have won the first prize in Jiangxi. The School takes the improvement, development and employment of the students as its starting point and ultimate goal; it focuses on strengthening students’ ideological, moral, scientific and cultural quality to promote the all-round development of students. The School has been rated as an Advanced Unit of Student Work and an Advanced Unit of Employment many times.
The School emphasizes international cooperation. It has signed cooperation agreements with Duke University, Canberra University and Taiwan Shi Xin University to develop cooperative education in undergraduate and master degree programs.
During the “13th Five-Year Plan”, Jiangxi Normal University will deepen overall reform. In accordance with the development goals and strategic requirements in the Development Plan During the 13th Five-Year Plan of the School, aiming at “Double First-class” construction, the School will take this opportunity to write a new chapter.
Motto: Seeking all the facts, transmitting only the truth.
Expectations from the dean:
Every student should be treated with an appreciative eye.
Everyone should present their best self every day.
Each should aim high in whatever he is doing.
Management Philosophy:
Governed with democracy; focusing on quality; develop teaching and research.
Educational Philosophy:
Moral education prioritized, quality oriented, ability centered, and practice-based
Cultivation objects:
The school is committed to cultivate morally and intellectually excellent, energetic and enterprising talents with high proficiency in communication.
Working motto:
Be passionate and strive for the best.
For Teachers:
Devoted to teaching, be a mentor and model to students.
For Students:
Enjoy study and think critically; put knowledge into practice.
Mottos for teachers as a team:
Cooperative spirit, enterprising attitude
Mottos for individual teachers:
Be generous, righteous and full of drive.
院系所碼 院系所 專業代碼 專業名稱 學習方式 普通 少骨 士兵 總計 已接收推免生 001 政法學院 030100 法學 全日制 42 1 43 001 政法學院 035101 法律(非法學) 全日制 143 1 1 145 1 001 政法學院……
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